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masterbation of a teen

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i no that there are already lots of masterbation threads, but most of them seem to be from 40year olds, and i needed a diffrent view.

i no perfectly well that masterbation is just natural, but still i cant help feeling jelous when my boyfriend does it.

im only 16 and my boyfriend is 17 and were in love with each other


i have a really good sex life with my boyfriend maybe even having sex too often ~up 2 5times a nite~ but what makes me angry is that everynite he masterbates.

i no that hes a teenageer and most tenage boysmasterbate regualy, but him doing this makes me feel bad/


we were lying down toghter watching a film the othernite being all cuddley toghther when out of the blue he asked me if he could "cum" as he put it, meaning could he wank himslef of, this upset me as i dint understand why he would want to do this.


it annoys me that hes so open to me about watching porn and looking at it, he teels me that he masterbates eerynight, and when we were looking at buying him cable he sed "ohh gud this ones got porn" im glad in a way that he can tell me these things, but in a nother way i really dont want to no!


it upsets me to think that he could watch and look at other girls in this way.


also another time when we were watching a film a girl came on with her tits out bouncing up and down and he made a sexual noise it was obvius that he hadnt ment to do it, and then tried to mkake it into a joke when he realised what hed done.


he also openly has porn magazines in his room on the bedside table, which i can see as soo as i go in the room, i dont like this and i dont no what to do about n e of these things.


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Well as you said, he is a 17 year old guy.. so yeah frequent masturbation is quite normal.


However, if the issue of pornography is bothering you, then you need to tell him that while you know he looks at it, and you're aware that he masturbates.. that perhaps he could keep this 411 to himself and stash away his magazines when he knows you're going to be there.


Good Luck

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