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I like her and she likes me but i dont know


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Okay so we are both girls and i have been in love with her for a while...she knows that i like her and a last week she said that i should ask her out, because she told me that she likes me too...i held it off for a few days and then i tried to ask her. But she said that the problem is that we live too far from each other. (About two hours). But i dont understand it because she told me just days before to ask her out...but this is killing me like i wanna be with her, i need to be with her...anyone have any ideas on what i should do??

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I dont even know...i was really bored so i asked her who i should ask out. And she said me. So we had this big long talk and she said that she had liked me since july. So i held off asking her and when i did she said that the fact we live so far away it wouldnt be a good idea which i dont understand because SHE was the one who TOLD me to ask her!!

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She and you are young. This could be some young 'lovers game'. She might be shy, either way, it plays with your feelings, so.


You really have no way of seeing each other(cannot drive), and it's doubtful your parents would take you. Maybe she really meant this, but realizes the distance factor. Two hours is quite far, but manageable with a car and job.


You're 14, right? And her. Do not let it get to you too much. You're quite young....Distance is a problem. Unless your parents or hers are willing to take you to see her or her you..

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She's 16 and idk its not like a sympol crush its a lot more then that, like I'm in love with her. And yea I know that the whole distance thing is a problem :/

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