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i fancy my friend but i don't know what she thinks of me

no-one inparticular

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no-one inparticular

last year in college i met this girl and now we have become good friends, but i've always sort of had a crush on her. i would make a move but she has a boyfriend (who doesn't really like me) and if she didn't have a boyfriend i'd be afraid it could ruin our friendship if i asked her out and she said no. i think she knows i fancy her but shes not willing to admit it.


half the time i don't know what she feels towards me, one time we could be flirting and joking around, next she seems to completely ignore me or put me down.


in our class, shes the only girl. all the boys in the class make fun of her, except for me, but, i'm the only one that she seems to insult? why is that? why does she want to hang around with me in college if she's just going to insult me in front of everyone?

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Let her insult you!!! There more she insults you, the more she likes you....dang, buy you books and send you to school and you can't figure that one out?????? Come on!


Just joking!

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Originally posted by no-one inparticular

in our class, shes the only girl. all the boys in the class make fun of her, except for me, but, i'm the only one that she seems to insult? why is that? why does she want to hang around with me in college if she's just going to insult me in front of everyone?



She insults you and treats you bad cause she know you love her and because she knows she can get away with it. You must be typical "nice guy" who is spineless and does not know you must treat women badly sometimes for them to like you and be attracted to you. Stop being her lap dog and her whipping boy and wake up and smell the coffee. Tell her off and then be done with her and find a woman who likes you romantically. Stop wasting your time chasing after this woman!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, I don't really agree with anything here completely. Are the insults *really* hurtful? Are they meant to be that way, or are they jokes?


If they are insults, and they happen often, I'd say get away from her. Girl or guy, no one wants a two-faced friend.


If they are jokes, and she's not really meaning to hurt you, then maybe you can tell her that it does hurt you. (without crying) Just polietly ask that she stops it. If she wants to be your friend, then she should apologize and stop it.


I completely disagree that in order to be respected by women you have to treat them badly. That is absurd. BUT, on the other hand, you can't let them walk all over you. I've made that mistake myself. I'm finding out that you have to find a way to be your own person. Stand up for yourself when she does something that puts you down. You could do it in a joking way, or a serious way. Either way, bring attention to what she is doing to you.


My best friend is an "outgoing" female, and since I've always "been there" for her, I felt like she was taking advantage of me. Just with little things like spell-checking homework. She'd just say "Hey, come over here and check this for me." And I would. Finally I started making jokes about saying please--she got the point, and started being more polite. I don't think she really noticed how rude she was being, because I had just taken it for so long.


Oh yeah, this is a guy talking, and I still stand by my comment about how to treat women. :)


edit: As if I haven't said enough already, I wanna give you more advice from my perspective. Be very careful about becoming friends with a girl you have a crush on (since she obviously doesn't feel the same way, she has a boyfriend). If you become friends for a long time, it is very hard to keep those feelings from getting stronger and taking over your life. You'll become the surrogate boyfriend, and no one really likes that. Trust me, you'll waste away many nights and days trying to figure yourself and her out.

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  • 11 months later...
bob the builder

I am in exactly the same boat as you and it's hard to deal with sometimes (if not most) mine always wants to come out txts me asking what im doing what time going etc who i've been out with what are they like etc and then when i arrange everything and get a few mates to come out aswell she doesnt come out..............women... can someone please confirm that if you almost get the girl (almost kiss but then chicken out) is there another chance

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