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Cold shiver down the spine.

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Has anyone ever experienced that 'cold shiver down the spine' that just makes you shake for about 3 seconds? People say when one experiences that, it means someone has walked across your grave.


I'd be very interested in knowing what others think it means, or any kind of interpretations (Sp??) or experiences!

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Well in many cultures it is a poplular beliefs that you get shivers up your spine when someone has walked over your grave?


Question is: Which grave? How many graves have we had - I know I have had three lives and this is my forth life.


People tend to 4get that we are also spiritual beings - the soul is eternal, it keeps on evolving and needs to come back to earth in a human body to evolve.


If your lucky as I have been I know my past lives, it can be a hindrence but it all depends on how you percieve it.


Theres more to us than what meets the eye. :)

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Graves are expensive. You'd know if you had one.




Perfect reply Dyer!


A cold shiver is just a result of nerve stimuli. It doesn't mean anything except your body is functioning normally.


So, what or who were you in your previous lives wiki????

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Well Dyer that's your reality according to you.


I have meet a lot of poeple who remember their previous lives, it's not uncommon.


Well I was a maid in England, A peasent in Spain, and Royalty in Egypt.


It's amazing when you have psychic abilities. Most of us do, but choose to ignore them.




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Originally posted by wiki

Well Dyer that's your reality according to you.

Reality is not personal. Reality is based on actuality, and to be actual is to be "existing and not merely potential or possible."


It is possible that people have a sum of past lives, which through unexplainable forces, they are able to call to mind. It's also interesting to note that despite the fact that billions upon billions of people have lived in poverty, historically, and only a handful of people have been in the ruling class, however, when you talk to ANYONE who believes that past lives are able to be recalled, they all have been some form of royalty. Always, without fail.


I digress. Anyway, the potential for the supernatural is always there, but that does not make it real. Psychic behavior is not real, in fact, it's very unreal, which is why it is so alluring.


Even if past lives were real, a cold shiver has nothing to do with it. Moose is on the right track, it's a function of the parasympathetic nervous system.


I'm all for making up stories to explain things, but when rigorous study has produced a more suitable (if less exciting) explanation, I favor reality over whimsy.

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Thanks SO much Wiki! And the rest of ya too! :p:D


That sounds really interesting. I don't know if how many I've had. I'm aware of one. And the only reason why I know is because someone knew me from before! Freaky yes! Just a connection thing and felt it right away. I can't put it into much more than that. No memories at all, just a very familiar feeling.


If your lucky as I have been I know my past lives, it can be a hindrence but it all depends on how you percieve it.


I'd love to know more about that, PM me anytime, I may PM you as well cuz I got some questions about this stuff! Seems not too many believe so it's better to maybe discuss that way?


Theres more to us than what meets the eye.


So very true! There is So much more out there than we know...Guess ya just have to be open to it.

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Even if past lives were real, a cold shiver has nothing to do with it Dyer...


Actually this shiver I had the other day was to do with the person who I had a past life with. IT totally freaked the CRAP outta me. I still don't understand it, but I do know and listen to my gut and my gut knew I was right. Sorry, makes no sense to ya I'm sure, but it does to me!

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I have actually hear that it means a spirit has passed near you. Don't know if this is true, but I would like to believe it is.

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I'd love to believe that too.


I keep an open mind to alot of things now as I get older. I'm 33. My father died when I was 23 and honestly since then some odd things have happened that just can't be explained. Over time I've had some very spiritual friends and in the past year or so I've learned more about my energy forces, positive thinking and the power of my mind.

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It's called an autonomic response to some nervous stimulus and has nothing to do with ghosts.


It got its link to ghost via people who didn't know anything about how the physical body works and so explained such responses in terms of soemthing scary.


Scaring people is a good way to control them.


It ain't no thang.

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It is usually a bodily reaction to some stimulus. Being in an old graveyard in the woods at night would cause some people to get the shivers from every little gust of wind or sound that they heard.


Sometimes people subconsciously create phenomena to satisfy an emotional need. If a place has a reputation of being haunted, there are more likely going to be claims of feeling weird or watched in the area, regardless whether there is anything actually operating there.


God knows, maybe I was a little yellow moth in a past life that met up with a car windshield. :)

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Reality is not personal. Reality is based on actuality, and to be actual is to be "existing and not merely potential or possible."


I think that they probably meant "your perception of reality".


Cause gosh dern it, I have ingest far too many mind-altering drugs to be able to believe that everyone's perceptions have some kind of uniformity. I smoked salvia once, and hallucinated that I was wallpaper in the kitchen in a farmhouse in Idaho. Oh, well...


And my work with schizophrenics indicates that at best, what we share is a communal set of labels that we use to identify reality. Other than that, everyone is pretty much in their own world....

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Other than that, everyone is pretty much in their own world....




But I still would like to believe that there is more out there...Life just sucks alot sometimes and I feel there has to be something better than this after we die. Don't ya think?

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I heard something similar to that...I heard when you get a chill its when someone (spirit) walks THROUGH you.


But then again, I could be wrong and it probably is just a nerve thing in your body...

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Originally posted by dyermaker

It's also interesting to note that despite the fact that billions upon billions of people have lived in poverty, historically, and only a handful of people have been in the ruling class, however, when you talk to ANYONE who believes that past lives are able to be recalled, they all have been some form of royalty. Always, without fail.



Not true. Read up on the work of Ian Stevenson. His cases rarely claim royalty and are often born back into the same poverty they left in the previous life.

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Wow. Such conviction. Always is a dangerous word because the only thing that always happens when you haul it out is that you'll be challenged and disproven.


I read this book about a women who, from the age of five, dreamt about the children she bore in a past life. She was "Joe Average" in this life and pretty much the same in her previous life.


Incidentally, or not, she dreamt so regularly about her past life that she was able to go to the place she had lived -- small town, south Eire -- and find her children. They were all old people -- older than she by 20 - 40 years, but she knew so much about each of their childhoods that they could do nothing but believe her.


And there was this other guy, also "Joe regular," who had a paralysing fear of water --even 2 inches of it. It was such a debilitating fear that he finally opted for regression hypnosis through which he discovered he had, in a previous life, drowned on a sub. He knew so many obscure details about the sub, who was on it, where it went down, where the leak was and who was in the room with him when it went down, that CBS covered the story.


He was able to describe so precisely the town he had lived in, his family there and his home that CBS took him there, hoping to prove him wrong. Well. They didn't. They let him direct them to the house he'd lived in in the previous life and found the a cousin who still lived in the town. She had been with him when his mother died: He had been 10 and she 7 or so.


This lady was completely disbelieving that there was any possibility that the guy was a reincarnation of her drowned cousin, so she asked him to tell her something that there was no way anybody would know. He said, "I used to like to eat the heals from the bread loaves and my mother always saved them for me." The lady's jaw dropped to her knees.


No royalty. Sorry.

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Well, consider the first law of thermodynamics:


Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. (Laws of Thermodynamics )


That said, my favorite analogy regarding reincarnation from a Buddhist philosopher involves billiards. The energy is transfered from one ball to another, but the essence of the ball does not get transfered.

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Consider the uncertainty principle. :laugh:


Anyway, I'm sorry for saying always. However, I'll continue to write down past lives along with horoscopes and palmistry--a form of entertainment for the easily entertained.


I think it's cute to make up little explanations for existing phenomena, but not when we have one already that's less fabricated.

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What? You mean you're going to write "off" those items?


Well, it is good to know you're above easy entertainment. I presume then that tits, ass and beer are also out of your lofty sphere.


What do you mean 'one that's already less fabricated" and "cute explanations for existing phenomena"?


Perhaps making your point clear is also below your particular tolerance for the mundane?

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He said, "I used to like to eat the heals from the bread loaves and my mother always saved them for me." The lady's jaw dropped to her knees.


Wow. That is really cool. I love hearing stuff like that! And I do believe some are just more in tune with themselves and somehow have the tools to really see this stuff!


Makes me wonder about my past life. I do know I have one, but it's all just feelings and familar scents about people. Kinda odd, but it explains my sensitive sense of smell.

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Originally posted by Missopionionateds

What? You mean you're going to write "off" those items?

Yeah. Thanks.

Well, it is good to know you're above easy entertainment. I presume then that tits, ass and beer are also out of your lofty sphere.

I don't really drink.


However, the enjoyment of tits and ass is chemical in nature. Enjoyment in psychic entertainment comes from fooling yourself of its plausibility. "I know a friend who has a cousin..."--It's just not my cup of tea.

What do you mean 'one that's already less fabricated" and "cute explanations for existing phenomena"?

"cute explanations for existing phenomena" = That the shiver down spine is you walking over your past self.


'one that's already less fabricated" = It's actually a reflex of the parasympathetic Nervous System.

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I still think I was killed in a plane crash in a previous life..I just have this feeling. I cant describe it. Sounds weird, I know.. The only person who can truly talk to me about it and somewhat believe me is my cousin. LOL

I have yet to get myself on a plane..but I want to in the worst way..because there is this guy in Kentucky I HAVE to visit! :)

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