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Girl help, obviously.


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I honestly can't believe I'm using this forum for help. But at any rate, I would seriously like some help.


I'm a nice guy, I'm interesting, I'm abnormally intelligent, and I'm a reasonably good athlete. Yet despite all the good things I have going for me, and despite the fact that I have often been called charismatic by my peers, I'm often nervous, shy, and not very confident around them, particularly around girls I'm attracted to.


And I'm interested in this girl. This girl is nice, hopefully reasonably intelligent for her age, a phenomenal athlete, and extremely shy. More so than me. Unlike a lot of the previous girls I've been attracted to, I actually managed to approach this one and start talking to her. After about two weeks I told her that I liked her, which she already knew, and which she responded to by smiling a huge smile before finally saying quite sheepishly:


"You're too old... I'll be your friend... Sorry."


And still beaming, I asked her why she apologized (which she didn't really answer), and if, as a friend, I could have her screen name (which she gave me). I still talk to her a bit.


I've intentionally neglected to mention approximately how old I am, and how old she is, thus far. How much older am I than she is? Three years. That may not seem so bad if the ages were 27 and 24...but the ages are 17 and 14. Of course, while there's a three year age difference in my favor, there's a three inch height difference in hers.


I've lavished this post with a lot of pretentious crap thus far, so I'll be direct with my thoughts now: I'm still interested in this girl, and I want to continue being friendly with her until the age difference becomes less of an issue. The problem is that it's still a bit difficult to maintain conversation because we're both incredibly shy, and because I'm interested in her, I think largely I'm the one who has to initiate and maintain conversation with her.


So um, yeah, help?

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Social anxeity isn't uncommon. Have you actually talked to a doctor about these feelings?


I would say back off. She knows where you are, and how to contact you. If she was interested in you even as a friend she'd initiate conversation. (after all, you're shy and YOU were able to do it)


I think it's great that you were able to approach a girl, especially one you like. Now, go out and find somone in your age group that's ready to date. She's stated you're too old for her, and honestly she's politely let you know she's not interested. Her shyness isn't keeping her from professing her attraction, it's keeping her from being a b*tch.

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I have to agree with Mr. Spock. She is probably not ready for the social pressures of dating and at her age she probably really should just concentrate on school things(sorry not trying to be mean). Since you are a nice person, smart, etc.. you should have no problems finding someone else that will be on your wave length. Give it time you are young :)

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