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Got what I want, what is my problem?


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Ok so I posted a few times about my old neighbour. We hooked up and he was incredibly sweet and since then we've been communicating via email. It got pretty deep, sort of philosophical. He also praised my character extensively. Calling me sweet, gentle, giving, a woman above women and the best thing that could ever happen to a man.


Now I think he gets that from hanging out with my and my ex at our apartment. I was very young, reserved and innocent then. I loved cooking and doting on my boyfriend and his friends. I was in love!


Since the end of that relationship, 2 years ago, i have really changed, pretty depressed, drinking too much much, doing a bit of coke, short meaningless relationships, moving from city to city. I was sexually assaulted and my house burned down. Basically my life is pretty stressful and unstable.


We went out again last night and it was lovely. He picked me up at my house in a nice jacket, like it was a proper date. He tried to pay for dinner but I wouldn't let him.


I spent the whole night trying to convince him I'm not what he thinks I am. I told him what I have been going through and all these things I'm not proud of, I should have been talking about my achievements. Putting yourself down is not a good dating strategy. I feel like he put me on a pedestal I don't deserve.

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But I guess I'm putting him on a pedastal too. He's older, far more educated and his family is much wealthier than anyone who has ever shown an interest in me.

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You've been honest with him. Now stop beating yourself up and enjoy the affection. Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with each other, maybe you'll have a short-term fling, maybe you'll get serious and get bored with each other, maybe you'll get married and divorce after 15 years, or maybe you'll live happily ever after with your souls entwined.


Stop over-thinking it and just enjoy the time you have together, because one day you'll wake up and all you'll have are memories. Make them good ones.

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I was recently dating a girl with low self esteem and problems as well, I was and still am really into her, but she also said it was "too much, too fast" and I'm sure she also felt the same as you, that I had her on a pedestal and that she couldn't live up to what I thought of her or some ****.

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