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How many days of NC has it been for you?


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I wish I could do total NC..we have a 2 year old so it can't be that way. I read all of posts and think...ahh if only I could do that. It makes it so hard when you can't do NC.

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5 days. I was tempted to send him the "one final" goodbye email. But I don't think he's going to care as I haven't heard form him in two weeks. So I didn't bother.


Nothing sucks more than breaking NC only to be met with yet another wave of silence.

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42 days since any kind of conversation, was actually a fight about me being pissed that she didnt take a DVD I left with all our photos with her credit card that was mailed to my place, that was a text Convo and ended with her saying that she hopes we "coexist" one day and she'll change her address the way she's out of my life, I jus said thank you and that was it.


26 days since she texted me giving condolences for my grandfather dieing, all I said was thank you.


Sadly I want her to contact me so I can ignore her and make her feel like ****, I anticipate a text around thanksgiving or Christmas or one day when she decides to give my dads golf clubs back.

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Been about 2 months since I spoke to ex, when she mentioned a police order if I continued trying to communicate. I tried to communicate through her friend on face book maybe last week. But logged in her Facebook yesterday. So I guess im back at day one :'(

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42 days since any kind of conversation, was actually a fight about me being pissed that she didnt take a DVD I left with all our photos with her credit card that was mailed to my place, that was a text Convo and ended with her saying that she hopes we "coexist" one day and she'll change her address the way she's out of my life, I jus said thank you and that was it.


26 days since she texted me giving condolences for my grandfather dieing, all I said was thank you.


Sadly I want her to contact me so I can ignore her and make her feel like ****, I anticipate a text around thanksgiving or Christmas or one day when she decides to give my dads golf clubs back.


imo clinging to hopes like that is just destructive, you should just completely foregt about her and move on

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67 days

It gets easier every day, even though the weak moments are still there. You just have to white-knuckle through them. Someday soon it won't matter at all, I look forward to it.

Strength to all !!!

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5 months post-BU now.


30 days NC.


33 days since she breadcrumbed me in person. Chased me around for hours just trying to make contact, and told me we'd "talk soon".


So much for that. Ha.

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7 weeks NC. Feels like 7 months.


3 weeks ago he send me an e-mail. I didn't reply. The next day his mother texted me. Didn't reply.

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7 weeks NC. Feels like 7 months.


3 weeks ago he send me an e-mail. I didn't reply. The next day his mother texted me. Didn't reply.


sounds like you're clearly over it, sounds a bit harsh though, hope he really deserved it :p

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sounds like you're clearly over it, sounds a bit harsh though, hope he really deserved it :p


I guess I'm somehow over it. I'm over the whole wanting to text him thing. But I'm still not doing great emotionally.

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lol today I was curious and added it all up.... 90 days wooo hoooo. Beat my previous one of 89! In your face R! I'm like on fire or something. Well anyway I still say I'm the victor at the end, I became a better me than I ever was in that relationship. Here is to another 90!


Good luck Joel! Don't worry, possible to go past the relapses!

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imo clinging to hopes like that is just destructive, you should just completely foregt about her and move on


I completely agree and I think with time and NC I will learn to not care anymore. I can already tell that even after this short time thoughts of her hurt but not nearly as much as they did a month or two ago. I have conflicting thoughts sometimes such as I wish she would contact so I could ignore and I don't want her to contact because that will reopen the wound.


Bottomline, I'm staying NC even if she does contact, the only way I would respond is if she sent a heartfelt apology.

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since he last broke up with me abruptly... NC was applied immediately on my part. I have deleted all our chats, unfriended him on FB delete all his numbers etc. If for any reason he wants to get hold of me, it'd be via email since I can't find a way to block him there.


I can't deal with this emotional pain.. I have my moments where I feel like I can make it... but eventually I slip back down to the darkness.

I miss him terribly... I don't know what to do..

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23 days if NC. But met him this Wednesday on my way home - he nodded, I said hi. I just want time to pass so it doesn't feel so difficult. Want to contact him all the time.

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I was NC for 17 days. Responded to a problem she had with her car. I regret it. It set me back. Spiraling downhill...Starting from day 1 all over again. Here I am, after another 16 days. Still feel like I'm holding on to hope. This time around, the hope is greater than it ever was. I don't know why. I was progressing very well after 2.5 weeks. Sure, I missed you, but I knew you went the one for me. Therapy has helped me. Now, since responding, I want you back even more. I went from 80% /20% not wanting you back...to the 80% wanting you back, 20% not. I hate this hope. I realize how you've treated me, I was so blindly in love with you to not see it sooner. I wish I had. Now, I'm left knowing you're not best for me, but hoping you come back with a changed heart and as a changed women. I were to see you right now, I don't know what I'd do...I'd probably just stop...and see what you would do. Either way, I would be crushed. If you came back, I know I would have to turn you down...but if you didn't, I'd still be crushed missing you. I'm a better person than you. You hurt me. You don't deserve me. Ever.

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Today is day 7. I was hoping I'd feel better by now. At times I do. But for the most part I feel pretty low.


And oh how I hate that burning acid feeling in the pit of my stomach when the pain seems to come from out of nowhere.


I'm sort of dreading the weekend. I don't exactly love my job but it has been a welcome distraction this week.


I'm not sure how I'm going to cope this weekend. I know I shouldn't spend the whole time alone but I'm really not in the mood to be around anyone either...

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Day 1 of NC starts tomorrow for me. Breakup was about a week ago, and been arguing since. First 2 days I begged and now feel embarrassed. Next few days I just wanted answers. It got to the point where she asked me to leave her alone. I am granting her wishes. :(

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Today is day 7. I was hoping I'd feel better by now. At times I do. But for the most part I feel pretty low.


And oh how I hate that burning acid feeling in the pit of my stomach when the pain seems to come from out of nowhere.


I'm sort of dreading the weekend. I don't exactly love my job but it has been a welcome distraction this week.


I'm not sure how I'm going to cope this weekend. I know I shouldn't spend the whole time alone but I'm really not in the mood to be around anyone either...


Dont worry, you aren't alone. I am also dreading the weekend because I know she had a busy weekend planned. So yeah I'm just not looking forward to it at all either.

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