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Wife and bestfriend


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Had a good first day with my therapist can't wait till my next session.the Halloween party was one of the best experience I have had in a very long time(the theme was a 1950's Horror Movie) at the party i really clicked with a former co-worker we have been talking and eating lunch together.This Saturday were are going skating something fun and yes she knows about my situation and is cool with just being friends for now.


the last thing the Soon to be X lied her shiit is still here thinking about having a yard sale and getting my $2000 back....


Beyond the 2k, it looks like you are holding yourself well, which is more important. Soon you will have future Halloween parties without having to worry about ... her.


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Put it out on the curb and text her that it's there to be picked up - and anyone driving by is welcome to take anything that's there if she isn't there really quickly.


No need to keep storing her stuff - tell her it's leaving your place one way or another.


I like the way u thinking....i was thinking about renting a u haul and just dumping her shiite in front of her parents house

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Beyond the 2k, it looks like you are holding yourself well, which is more important. Soon you will have future Halloween parties without having to worry about ... her.



I got to because the only person who is going take care of me is me

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Are you two divorced yet? How long till you are if you are not? Also did you post a pic of her here?


We're in the process of getting a divorce which takes a min of 90 day's to finalize in the state i'm in....I didn't post her pick on this website but i did shared a cheatersville link with her pic it's somewhere in this thread..,

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Today isn't going how I had planned it to go.Instead of getting ready to go skating with Sarah I'm stuck home with the Flu she was sadden when I broke the news to her today but she understood.She even agreed to stop by and bring some soup and watch a movie together I agreed with her on the soup part but told her the watching a movie was a bad ideal since i'm sick and I really don't want to make her sick we agreed to face time and talk on the phone while watching a movie :sick:

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Today isn't going how I had planned it to go.Instead of getting ready to go skating with Sarah I'm stuck home with the Flu she was sadden when I broke the news to her today but she understood.She even agreed to stop by and bring some soup and watch a movie together I agreed with her on the soup part but told her the watching a movie was a bad ideal since i'm sick and I really don't want to make her sick we agreed to face time and talk on the phone while watching a movie :sick:


Who is Sarah?

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Its good to see you are moving on. Get better soon and take her out for a nice dinner. Show her you appreciate her being there for you.


As far as the xW and her stuff. This is what I did with my xW stuff. I hauled every thing and took it to a storage unit. I paid for two months worth of access to it. I bought a cheap lock and certified mailed her the key. I told her she had two months to get it after that It would be gone. This worked out well for me. I did not have to look at her stuff anymore and it only cost me 2 months storage fees.



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Who is Sarah?


Sarah is a girl i work with the to total opposite of my wife.She smart, independent,Caring and kind


She is also four years older then me and about 3 years ago left her fiancee when he cheated.


She kinda understand the pain i'm been going thru and has been their as a friend and if nothing more becomes of us.I'll still be happy to have her as friend

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Its good to see you are moving on. Get better soon and take her out for a nice dinner. Show her you appreciate her being there for you.


As far as the xW and her stuff. This is what I did with my xW stuff. I hauled every thing and took it to a storage unit. I paid for two months worth of access to it. I bought a cheap lock and certified mailed her the key. I told her she had two months to get it after that It would be gone. This worked out well for me. I did not have to look at her stuff anymore and it only cost me 2 months storage fees.




Thanks for the get well soon.


I plan to do something with her but instead of a dinner i was thinking a nice picnic in the park while wooing her with my guitar then a horror(since were are both big fans of them)


I like your storage ideal so much i'm have to use it( hope you don't mind LOL)

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Hi Leaving


let me tell you I admire your fortitude, composure, and resolve in this whole situation.


It sucks that the persons who were supposed to be the closest to you betrayed you like this, In the other hand is good that you have found the true about your wife now that you are young, and still without kids with her, I assure you good things await for you in the future.


You have had a rough life, but are this kind of situations that forge the character and when people overcome these catastrophes they become better humans, better friends, husbands, fathers.


lastly, do you have an email account that I may use to contact you? I will like to send you some links that may be helpful to you in this trial.

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Thanks for the get well soon.


I plan to do something with her but instead of a dinner i was thinking a nice picnic in the park while wooing her with my guitar then a horror(since were are both big fans of them)


I like your storage ideal so much i'm have to use it( hope you don't mind LOL)



I am glad to hear you are going to use it. I do not mind at all. It was incredibly helpful to me. I was with my xW for ten years and she collected a lot of stuff. I took most of her things there. The rest I through in the trash. I honestly felt she did not have the decency to be honest to be about her cheating all those years why should I be decent about the rest of her stuff. In the trash it went and to this day she still complains to the kids about it. I have to tell you I smile so big when I hear about it. Sure it will never be equal to her cheating on me but it does make me smile.


I can tell you this if you ever make it to Wyoming look me up. Ill buy the beer.



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about 5mins ago When checking my email i noticed my scum of an x best friend had wrote me earlier today basically saying sorry 4 stabbing me in my back.


He also told me not to let a female come between a friendship that has lasted over 20yrs(bro's b4 ho's-his words)


He said that they had only been fooling around a couple months and it was her who pursued him he just got caught up(Lying Piece of ****te does't know she already told the truth)....

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Wow, he sounds like he is an idiot. Really? Bros before hos when he was the one who screwed your wife? He should have thought of that one prior to the diddlefest.

I am glad you are moving on and didn't go back to her. How are you doing emotionally? Have you heard from ex?



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Its really not all that surprising that he would try to contact you again the same goes for her. The truth is that they are still both very much selfish people. The only reason he is trying to do this is make him self feel better.

This really has nothing to do with you. If it had then when your wife supposedly came on to him he would have pushed her away and contacted you right away. That is the what good people do. I doubt he wasn't the aggressor in this. He probably filled her full of lies about you just to work his way in.


Here is the part when you should be selfish. They both made there choices. I would never respond to him or talk to her again. Never would they deserve even a second of my time. Its not about being descent or taking the high road its more about do you really need to waste your time with people like that. Life is short. Live life how you want and on your terms.




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Sounds like their broken cheating ass's need you more than you need them. Stay crickets, let them hear about your amazing adventures.


"Stupid is what stupid does" .........Forrest Gump.

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about 5mins ago When checking my email i noticed my scum of an x best friend had wrote me earlier today basically saying sorry 4 stabbing me in my back.


He also told me not to let a female come between a friendship that has lasted over 20yrs(bro's b4 ho's-his words)


He said that they had only been fooling around a couple months and it was her who pursued him he just got caught up(Lying Piece of ****te does't know she already told the truth)....


Cut contact with both your friend and your wife after you divorce her. Surround yourself with good people and you will be all right.



Reading these threads, I have decided to never get married. Marriage is just like a contract. Why can't people who love each other just be together without being married?

Edited by peruano99
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Your marriage is not over. You are still not divorced. What you are is a married man pissed off at his WW. That is not the same as being single.


You are not 7 up.


7 up can be the uncola.


You can not be unmarried unless the judge says you are.


Even the fat lady can sing all she wants you are still married. Unless the judge is female and fat.




You condemn your WW for dating while married.


Yet it is ok for you to date while being married.




Now on to the fine woman that you are chasing after.


She is not that fine chasing after married men.






When a man says my wife does not love me, our marriage is dead, blah, blah, blah, to an OW. Dollars to doughnuts it is a WH looking to have an affair.


So when a married man says those words to a woman all kinds of alarms go off warning her that she is 99.99 % being fed baloney.


So for this ideal new woman to ignore those alarms is saying that she has poor judgment, values, morals, when she accepts a married mans values. She is showing that she is willing to be an OW.


Why do you think the phrase they cheat with you they will cheat on you still is in common usage today?


Last where is your pride and self respect?


Married men do not date. Yet you want to roll in the same excrement as all of the other adulterers.


They are married, but are are separated.

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you should FW the mail to you soon to be exwife, for her so see for what kind of POS she betrayed you.


your friend probably envied your life, the money, the house, beautiful wife, successful career, and conquering your wife was his way of feeling better about himself, or he is just a piece of crap and loved the thrill of seducing your wife.


anyway he is not worth your time, I read your whole thread and I know your friend meant alot to you, but unfortunatly people change and many times for worst, he is not the same person who gave you shelter when your parents passed away, he changed in someone who wasted his life and only hobby is using drugs and seducing women, while in the other hand, your wife was never the person you thought she was, to be able to betray you just after 1.5 years in the marriage (when people are still in the called honey moon stage and the bond between lovers is stronger) say alot about her character.

cuting this two toxic influences of your life is the best for you.


BTW, how is the girl hunting going?

Edited by manticore
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you should FW the mail to you soon to be exwife, for her so see for what kind of POS she betrayed you.

What's the point what done is done


your friend probably envied your life, the money, the house, beautiful wife, successful career, and conquering your wife was his way of feeling better about himself, or he is just a piece of crap and loved the thrill of seducing your wife.


His parents use to always hope that i would motivate him to do better in life but as he got older they just gave up.It's his fault he's where he's today a strung out coke head still living at home.


POS has always been the type to get a trill outta seducing married womens never taught my wife would be another knot on his belt


BTW, how is the girl hunting going?
I'm not hunting just trying to move on and i have met someone:D
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Wow, he sounds like he is an idiot. Really? Bros before hos when he was the one who screwed your wife? He should have thought of that one prior to the diddlefest.

I am glad you are moving on and didn't go back to her. How are you doing emotionally? Have you heard from ex?




I only wish that i would have started divorce proceedings when they first got caught would have been divorce by now...


Emotionally i'm better then i was when this first started but i do have my triggers from time to time she calls almost everyday but i return her calls like 3 days later to show her what she trying to say is really isn't that important to me

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His parents use to always hope that i would motivate him to do better in life but as he got older they just gave up.It's his fault he's where he's today a strung out coke head still living at home.


Well, his lost, he keep destroying the only good relationshps in his life, isolating himself, I don't know if his parents know about what he did to you, but I am sure, that if they find about it they will be just more destroyed and dissapointed in him, not because their son is the kind of POS who betray a long life friend like that, but because the probably hold great affection towards you.



POS has always been the type to get a trill outta seducing married womens never taught my wife would be another knot on his belt


I guess your wife already knew this and was dumb enough to fall in his game, really no worth suffering about her (but I know is more easy to be say that actually forget her)


I'm not hunting just trying to move on and i have met someone:D


Happy for you man, yes I read about her in your posts, but I thought she was a side project and that you will take your time to be in the market for a while.


just remember not to jump to something serious to soon, sometimes in difficult times is easy to get attached to people who brings us support or make us feel better about ourselves (that is how many revenge affairs begin).

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I only wish that i would have started divorce proceedings when they first got caught would have been divorce by now...
Yeah that was nice what you did back then, take her back after that terrible episode (you were probably still fighting against the love you had for her back then, the girl you once met and all her previous qualities). Though I still think that even if she would have been remorseful afterward and not cheated ever again, you would have probably still file for divorce as a result of that life-term trigger. I don't think you would have been able to handle it any longer. Edited by samsungxoxo
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