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When the affair ends....

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Whether it was a full blown physical affair, or an emotional affair, whether or not it caused the existing relationship before the affair to dissolve... they do say that affair relationships don't last.


So, I can't help but wonder - and hope someone who has been down that road before can share experiences - when the affair relationship falls apart, is there a fallout for the person who started the affair relationship / jeopardized the relationship he or she was in for the affair relationship, and if there is, what is it like?

Edited by travelonic
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I thankfully haven't been there myself, but a good friend has. His wife had an affair with her personal trainer (how cliche) and they continued their relationship after my friend discovered them. The relationship predictably didn't last, but it didn't matter. My friend had served his wife with divorce papers, and she wasn't interested in returning anyway. That was a few years ago now. He's since moved on and she's had a few relationships too.


I know of another couple who came together in an affair. They left their respective partners for each other, and they're still together almost 10 years later. You really never know how these things will turn out.

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There are a **** load of variables involved in these matters, of course. :cool:

In spite of my potentially oversimplifying things in the OP, I always try to keep that in mind, and often preach around here that mattes involving love,breakups, reconciliation, cheating, affairs, can not easily be simplified because of the variables involved. :D



Still wonder what it is like for those who DO experience a fallout after their affair ends - as opposed to those who do not - I can only picture that it has to be absolutely hellish.

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Truck load of consequences in as many variables as there are people. For me, it was divorce.I started the affair and my husband divorced me because he didnt like my boyfriend. Sad but true.

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Truck load of consequences in as many variables as there are people. For me, it was divorce.I started the affair and my husband divorced me because he didnt like my boyfriend. Sad but true.


I don't think he divorced you because he didn't like your boyfriend. I got this feeling that there was a much bigger issue causing the divorce. I'm not sure though so let me mull over and ponder for while...:lmao::lmao::lmao:

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I was being sarcastic, LBlanc. A marriage doesnt have space for a "boyfriend"...He divorced me because of my lack of fidelity. Infidelity sounds so religiously judgemental. Infidel... Ouch!!

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