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My boyfriend is obsessed with male strippers

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Hi there

I have a problem which is worrying me.

My boyfriend is 20 and I am 19 years old.


He constantly goes to male strip clubs to see male strippers.

I have no idea why he does this, but I find it sick.


What should I do??


Please help me.




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Originally posted by naive_2001

I think he might be gay. Sorry if it's too blunt of me, but this post screams GAY!!!!!!!!!!


I uh.. AGREE.



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I don't agree. Yes, he might be gay. He might be bi-sexual. Or he might just want to watch for tips & pointers <~kinda out there but you never know. Don't rule anything out...why don't you ask him? Don't do it at any moment. Wait for a time when things are relaxed and just ask him calmly. Don't accuse...just question why he is interested in male stripping. Maybe he wants to be a male stripper...just ask! That's the only way to find out.

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I was thinking along SPL's lines....could he be contemplating a career change? Male strippers can pull in some really hefty tips, based on some of the shows I've seen.


I'm guessing you weren't there with him at any of these gigs, otherwise I'd ask about his behavior/reactions while he's there.

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Hey, i'm a female stripper and i really do not understand thw women who come into our club - i know that some of them are gay - that i understand, but we get lots who come in just to hang out with their friends or with their boyfriends.


Maybe like the other posters say, he is thinking about taking it up as a career or he just wants some pointers to entertain you with, maybe some of these guys are his friends or maybe he actually works there!

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Originally posted by SexiiPinkLadii

I don't agree. Yes, he might be gay. He might be bi-sexual. Or he might just want to watch for tips & pointers <~kinda out there but you never know. Don't rule anything out...why don't you ask him? Don't do it at any moment. Wait for a time when things are relaxed and just ask him calmly. Don't accuse...just question why he is interested in male stripping. Maybe he wants to be a male stripper...just ask! That's the only way to find out.


My friend Steve told me that my boyfriend takes photos of the male strippers, and that he masturbates over pictures of well-built muscular men as well.



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uhhh I think you found your answer. Assuming your friend Steve is accurate in what hes telling you.






"Don't argue with me, you wont win."

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Trisha, how does your friend steve know that your boyfriend does this? Is he there? Does he see your b/f do this? Maybe your friend likes you and was just stirring the pot to see what you would do. Just a thought.

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Well..in that case...I would tend to think that he is bi-sexual or gay. Ask...that's the only way to know for sure.

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as a female, i've gone to female strip clubs. it can be a great time! :)


you don't have to be gay or a pervert. it's just nudity.


however, if he is constantly finding a reason to go, or making plans to specifically do this, then that might be a little strange. :confused:


i don't know that i have ever said "hey i'm headed on over to the strip joint, wanna come". it was always more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, a tag-a-long with the guys kinda thing, or celebrating someone's something. i don't typically make plans surrounding other naked women! :rolleyes: it is fun though, i like the atmosphere...to each his own i guess. and all the places i've gone, the girls have been very receptive and seem almost pleased to have other females around. i have made quite a few friends just by being asked "so what are you doing here" which usually sparks up a decent conversation. guys don't want to hear girls bit*ch about guys, but other girls certainly don't mind--or i don't at least.


sheesh, good luck i guess. my boyfriend loves that i handle females so well, and that i buy playboy for us to look at together. i think i might be grossed out or confused though, if he started bringing home playgirl and checking out when the chippendales would be in town...there is a more of a stigma when it comes to male--male admiration though.

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I don't understand...


You say your boyfriend constantly goes to male strip clubs.

You find out that he takes pictures of the men and then masturbates to them.


And you are asking what you should do?

Only you can decide what is right for you. I think you have figured out that your boyfriend is either gay or bi. Decide if this is something you can deal with and/or want in a boyfriend.

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t is fun though, i like the atmosphere...to each his own i guess. and all the places i've gone, the girls have been very receptive and seem almost pleased to have other females around.


i'm glad you like it, and it's not that i don't like women coming in, gives me someone to talk to if business is a little slow, but i suppose from my point of view if i am going to pay for a hideously expensive night out i'd rather be seeing naked men or a band or a ballet! I have to say that i do mind from a certain perspective though because women do not tend to buy dances and in the club i work in they tend to dance around their handbags and give the dancers filthy looks and generally get in the way, apart from our regulars who sit and have a few drinks, but even they don't earn me money. The club owners don't mind becasue they take money at the bar but from my point of view it's a seat that could be used by someone who's going to spend money on me!


i think i might be grossed out or confused though, if he started bringing home playgirl and checking out when the chippendales would be in town...there is a more of a stigma when it comes to male--male admiration though.

Now that's interesting! i think there should be more male-on-male appreciation going on. I've said before on here that when the suggestion comes up "Let's watch some porn together" then women should take the lead and produce porn that features men as the sexual objects, you know, some male solo and man-on-man action and see how comfortable their partners are with it. That's a great one to get the "Porn should be accepted" debate going! but i'll stop before this turns into a different thread!

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Originally posted by zara



i'm glad you like it, and it's not that i don't like women coming in, gives me someone to talk to if business is a little slow, but i suppose from my point of view if i am going to pay for a hideously expensive night out i'd rather be seeing naked men or a band or a ballet! I have to say that i do mind from a certain perspective though because women do not tend to buy dances and in the club i work in they tend to dance around their handbags and give the dancers filthy looks and generally get in the way, apart from our regulars who sit and have a few drinks, but even they don't earn me money. The club owners don't mind becasue they take money at the bar but from my point of view it's a seat that could be used by someone who's going to spend money on me!



Now that's interesting! i think there should be more male-on-male appreciation going on. I've said before on here that when the suggestion comes up "Let's watch some porn together" then women should take the lead and produce porn that features men as the sexual objects, you know, some male solo and man-on-man action and see how comfortable their partners are with it. That's a great one to get the "Porn should be accepted" debate going! but i'll stop before this turns into a different thread!

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whoops, i posted to that and didn't reply, what a dork!


anyway, zara...


i can understand it would be frustrating to have seats filled with non-paying females... :rolleyes:


but i am pretty sure i dole out a whole lot more cash than a lot of the males i've seen! no singles coming from me. it just doesn't seem right not to... and i would never go without money to spend. that's half the fun.


as for the male-on-male action...i just can't get into. the male body is not uninteresting to me, or any less sexy, i just don't get turned on by looking...


i get turned on by my boyfriend of course, he looks great, but it's more the thought of who he is and what we are going to do to each other that is what gets me going. it's looking at his hands and knowing what they feel like. it's the way he looks at me; he has this look in his eyes that just drives me absolutely crazy for him!


just looking at a guy really doesn't do too much for me.


i wonder if i'm weird...

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