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I wonder if you could give me some insight...


After a month of crumbling I finally broke up with my boyfriend about two weeks ago. About a week later I met a new guy. He was already in a short relationship that had fizzled out. He ended up breaking up with the girl to be with me. I've never been in this situation before, and I wonder about these rebound relationships. Do they work? Should I take a time out? I really like this guy and initally I thought this would be great to get my mind off my ex but now this has turned into something significant. I just need some insight on this weird situation. My ex and I were together for about four months, with only one week. I am 24 years old and have a very full life, I'm very happy single but this seems to have fallen on my lap. What should I do?



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i think...this is just me saying this too...that you should do what you think is best, i would if i were you however try and take it slow just so you know for sure its not a re bound relationship....date for awhile and see how things go.


if they dont turn out how you want them to then it wasnt a waste of time, you had a lil fun while doing it!


everything happens for a reason, and no matter what you do something thats great will come out of it, even if its just more self-respect for yourself!

I wonder if you could give me some insight...


After a month of crumbling I finally broke up with my boyfriend about two weeks ago. About a week later I met a new guy. He was already in a short relationship that had fizzled out. He ended up breaking up with the girl to be with me. I've never been in this situation before, and I wonder about these rebound relationships. Do they work? Should I take a time out? I really like this guy and initally I thought this would be great to get my mind off my ex but now this has turned into something significant. I just need some insight on this weird situation. My ex and I were together for about four months, with only one week. I am 24 years old and have a very full life, I'm very happy single but this seems to have fallen on my lap. What should I do? Thanks.

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I think I might be a little concerned with a guy who was so quick to end a previous relationship (regardless how short it was) to be with you. Should things progress for you both, would he do the same to you? I mean, in relationships we all go through dry spells and times that feel like they've 'fizzled out' a little. That's where a certain degree of commitment, effort and perseverance enter the picture. Did his past relationship really fizzle out (mutually) or did he see you as "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence"? Does he have a history of going from one fizzled out short term relationship, right into another? Guess you won't know his for certain what his past dating history has been, he may not give you the truth should you ask.


For myself, I've found over the years, that when I leave one relationship and look to someone else to fill that void and help me get over the loss of the other person (whether I got dumped or was the dumper), I've often gotten too caught up in some things, but tended to overlook some really important things (like differences in goals, values, morals, personalities, interests, beliefs, life-paths).....and I tended to maybe be with someone who wasn't that *good* for me, all because I missed having 'someone'.....which is only naturaly when you come out of a relationship and are used to having a companion/best friend/lover/etc.


I'd say take things really very slowly. Spend some time doing a little reflection on your past relationship. What have you learned from that relationship?...about relationships in general, and about yourself (areas you might need to work on, etc)



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Just because he broke up with the other girl, it does not put you under any obligation to date this new guy exclusively, unless you really want to. That was his decision and you do not need to feel pressure because of it.


Recently a man left his wife, partly because I said I do not date married men. But I warned him, "Do not leave her on account of me. I do not want to accept that responsibility." I had to make sure it he saw it as his decision.

i think...this is just me saying this too...that you should do what you think is best, i would if i were you however try and take it slow just so you know for sure its not a re bound relationship....date for awhile and see how things go. if they dont turn out how you want them to then it wasnt a waste of time, you had a lil fun while doing it! everything happens for a reason, and no matter what you do something thats great will come out of it, even if its just more self-respect for yourself!
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