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Best books on dating, seduction, female psychology, etc.


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Hi, I am a 25-year-old romantically and sexually frustrated single male. I've gone on dates with and hooked up with a good number of women by now. I really have no problem approaching women and getting their numbers. However, I seem to get turned down a lot after second or third dates. Some say rejection is the name of the game, but I got a wake-up call when this one girl recently "friend-zoned" me. I've met only two girls thus far that made me feel that they were perfect for me. Unfortunately, those two girls must've felt that I was lacking in something(s). I don't know what it is, and that is the problem.


So, I decided to take this matter in my hands. I wanna diagnose the problem and really find a solution so that I can be happily in love with great women. Only one short-term relationship (3 mo.) in college, and lots of FWBs and one night stands thus far. What I want is a relationship full of love.


Please recommend me books on dating, seduction, and female psychology so that I can study those things!

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I've gone on dates with and hooked up with a good number of women by now. I really have no problem approaching women and getting their numbers.


lots of FWBs and one night stands thus far.


Dude, why do you need to read a book about dating and seduction? You should WRITE one.

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There are no good books, or manuals for this.


Just be cool with yourself. You're 25, so most girls aren't looking to settle down; nothing is wrong with you.


Great advice! This person is trying to conform to today' ladies and sometimes that is not a healthy thing. Particularly with the mix bag of females and current range. Its like trying to get a plaid shirt to match with striped pants...Sometimes its best to stay with the basic...Be charming, be considerate, being a gentleman...those three things will outlast any trendy books on dating.

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It's not really a dating or pickup book, but Why Women Have Sex is a pretty interesting read. Though it may make you depressed if you're a dreamer or die hard romantic. :pThe Art of Seduction is good too but also a little evil so be careful bringing it up in common conversation. :o


The Art of Seduction is a good one. Read that in conjunction with the 48 Laws of Power to get a full leg up on social dynamics.


Another one is No More Mr. Nice Guy. Definitely read that. My friend recommends this: Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

One I read a while ago while trying to figure this out was Book of Pook. Definitely helped clear up some things. Very funny and very philosophical.


All my friends who are into PUA read this: Bang: More Lays In 60 Days I've never read it, so I can't vouch for it.

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The Art of Seduction is a good one. Read that in conjunction with the 48 Laws of Power to get a full leg up on social dynamics.


Another one is No More Mr. Nice Guy. Definitely read that. My friend recommends this: Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

One I read a while ago while trying to figure this out was Book of Pook. Definitely helped clear up some things. Very funny and very philosophical.


All my friends who are into PUA read this: Bang: More Lays In 60 Days I've never read it, so I can't vouch for it.


I didn't read any of those books, but I would definitely suggest checking out things by Roosh and No More Mr. Nice Guy.


They have free forums. So check them out.


I'm a member of NMMNG (it's much better geared towards my current goals....non-girl related, in my case). Roosh came out after the majority of my time in PUA. Most of the stuff on his forums I don't need anymore....but it's definitely good if you're still trying to figure things out.

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