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is this becoming more than a casual thing?

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So hi everyone I'm really hoping you can offer me some advice, basically about three months ago I met this guy I thought he was the original player type very attractive dressed great quite smooth etc I asked from the start what he wanted from me and I always got lets see what happens and at the beginning he made out that I could see other people so, I thought right it's definitely a casual thing so I made sure that I saw other people so I didn't get to attached and about a month ago he asked when he could see me and I put him off but I'd still get the odd hi message how are you so it I would reply then this last weekend he asked again could he come round. So I said yeah thinking it would be the same as before.


This time though he was really different we had both sort of dressed up and he was really excited to see me showing alot of affection so,as usual we watched a film together and yes we did have sex but it felt entirely different we chatted about what we had been getting up to as usual and our problems even mentioned could I make him a scarf and said he'd help me move some furniture round the house asked about Valentine's day but, I mentioned going out in the week and he went all jealous on me saying was this a date I don't like you seeing other men and generally acting like I meant more than previously which got me thinking maybe something had changed then, he had to go promised to come back that night wanted me to go too but I explained that I couldn't after waiting up quite awhile I went to bed annoyed I mean I don't like bring treated like this I sent a text the next day asking what happened and I got no reply so, after a few days I sent another saying I won't be treated this way so just forget it but all this behavior has screwed my head up.. I'm thinking when I get the next text to say this arrangement isn't working for me anymore I need to know if your only interested when you want some.


What do you all think? Is it just mind games as previously I was pretty cool with the whole thing but now I'm not..btw also makes a big effort to talk with my children ask how they are.

Edited by emmerline
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Argh!! i just had a feeling there was something not quite right about it all and i think he is dodgy as hell when i think about it so i've done some searching around and it looks like the b##tard is married!


I knew there was something fishy about the whole thing thank goodness you get a bit more cynical as we get older!

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