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Do men leave their mates of long standing for the other woman?

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Hi again gang,

Some of you know my story already.....the usual heartache.....mate of almost 5 yrs drops you flat without warning.....could be drugs (long standing smack addiction) but i think it probably is another woman....just a recent interest if my assumption is right.....

Haven't heard from him for about a month.....I know 1+1=2 in that it is pretty clear that it is over.....unlike times in the past with his impulsive disappearing acts (drug related) this time i am standing firm despite temptation to call or contact him in any way shape or form.

I am hoping most men are gentlemen in that if they are with a woman for a long time they would at least give their mates fair notice that they are leaving instead of just disappearing in thin air.

Do men or i should say women too really leave their mates of long standing for that of a new love interest in the long run?


Thanx for listening all,


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1) MM rarely leave (they'd rather have the cr*ppy marriage than the support payments)


2) Boyfriends do leave, sometimes without letting you know


2) Drug using boyfriends will be even less predictable than the sober ones


So...if he never comes back, you're a winner. Look for someone reliable next time, maybe?

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I think that there is always a chance that the man might leave his wife for the W but i does not mean it will turn out well.

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Originally posted by SoleMate



1) MM rarely leave (they'd rather have the cr*ppy marriage than the support payments)


2) Boyfriends do leave, sometimes without letting you know


2) Drug using boyfriends will be even less predictable than the sober ones


So...if he never comes back, you're a winner. Look for someone reliable next time, maybe?


:mad: You are so right......i am so tired of this 52 yr old ex con life long heroin addict not having a pot to piss in....a beat minimum wage temp agency sweep up and clean out the toilets job....living with 80 yr old landlords who think butter wouldn't melt in his mouth and know nothing of his criminal past or heroin addiction.....he doesn't have a freakin phone and has bad credit with all the utility companies....no car.....Hep C virus....no bank acct and one would certainly deem him a loser.....but he dumped ME.....and for what? Okay he has a penis and long white hair and is covered with tattoos but does another woman want to pay him for that ? I am sorry i am sounding so angry and using foul language.....i just feel so used and discarded.....please don't think i am making myself out to be better than him or a snob


I am just very sad and bewildered by it all.


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