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I don't know why...

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...but I have these specific feelings about these pairings:


Girl that everyone finds attractive- Like most others guys, I will find these women attractive, but I am in the dark somewhat as to her status, so a generally attractive girl on her own is so-so


Single- Atractive girl w/no boyfriend should equal major points for me, but since oithers find her attractive, my chances are about as slim as Kate Moss for getting her


W/boyfriend that is a jerk- I am furious here. She loves this guy or something, but this jerk only slaps her butt, calls her names, and has an ego the size of an elephant's behind. I just want to kill this poor excuse of a Neanderthal and carry his head on a spike through town (I'm not kidding. This really gets me mad.)


W/boyfriend that is nice- Good for her I guess, but still kind of jealous. These are the couples that kiss each other in front of everyone about 675 times during the duration of their stay in the current location. Then they take a step forward and kiss each other 675 more times just in case no one saw them kissing beforehand. I want to say: "Get a room!" or something, but then I'D look bad and would be shamed for not appreciating the young love that these two lovebirds share. I am then portrayed as the elf that could not love.


W/boyfriend that is one of my friends- I'm generally ok with this. Since these girls are already taken and I know that they;re in safe hands, I'm at peace. I'm not tempted to hit on them and I can act like a fool around them and it would not even matter.


Girl that I would only find attractive- There are quite a few of these. I'd be with one of my friends and see a girl like this and go: "Homina homina! Dude, check out the aphrodite at 12 o'clock" and he'd go like "You're serious? Come on! Sh;es abviously too tall, she's got a bit of a belly, she's got fat legs, her breasts are too huge, and her butt shakes like diabetic deprived of insulin for days. You can't be serious!" and I'd go: "Dude, I am serious."


If a girl like this is with anyone, ANYONE at all, I immediately feel jealous because at first, I automatically feel that I have a better chance of getting this girl, since few guys that I know would find her attractive. Secondly, she may be more inclined to share similar interests with me, she wouldn't wear "princess" or "hollister" clothing, although nothing is wrong with that as long as it doesn'y affect the mindset. I'll take attractive girls of course, but I tend to go for the oddballs since they are more unique and more inclined to like em back. I have been wrong with this though on many an occasion.

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