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Long but I definitively need some


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Ok a little background information. I'm 26 he's 25. I've known him a year. We met at work. (We no longer work together so not an issue) 2 months ago we started seeing each other as more than friends. He would always say sweet things, call me beautiful, and initiate texts and dates. He even invited himself to my sisters wedding which is 8 months away. We were also talking once and I said I'd eventually like to move south. He said he did too and that it was nice to see our long term goals were the same.


So I obviously thought this guy is into me. So after our last date I started getting really insecure. Wondering where is this going? So last Thursday I texted him saying I thought he was acting weird. He said its in my head. I said maybe we should no longer see each other since I have feelings for him and we are in this in between area. He seemed upset by that. Finally we decided that was ridiculous and everything seemed ok. Well I texted him a silly joke Friday to break the ice and erase any awkwardness. No response... No text since and It's Monday morning. It's clear he's freaked out. What do I do? I NEVER am the one to tell a guy how I feel first but I've been told in the past by other men I appear indifferent and I did not want to lose this guy because he thought I was no interested.

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Sit him down, and tell him everything you just told us.


Communication...it really is key, and I feel that a lot of people would have a lot more success with their relationships if they could just speak to each other about these sorts of things straight away.

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From what you posted, it seems like you kinda spazzed a bit for no reason. Don't overthink things too much. As stated earlier, communication is key. Just lay it all out in front of him and make sure to apologize for acting in a confusing manner and that you still have feelings for him. Should clear things up pretty easily.

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