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Friends trying to set me up....


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Well here is the story everyone! My last relationship, which was 3 years, ended 2 months ago. We are still friends and everything, but moving on with our lives. My best friend, when he found out about it, mentioned his wife's best friend (we'll call her V). She recently broke up with her college sweetheart of 3 years also. Now, I met V right before we both met our college sweethearts and I was instantly attracted to her, but I am not sure about her being attracted to me. My best friend's wife has been setting everything up to where we will be in the same place at the same time all the time. I told her last night that I appreciated it, but not to do it if V did not want it....and she proceeded to tell me that V has not said anything like that. I know its too early for a serious relationship, but I was wondering if sending V some flowers from a secret admirer on the last day of class before christmas break was too much (she is a 1st grade teacher)? I also need to know how to proceed with this...V and I are not close, but know of each other very well (we even walked & danced with each other in my best friends wedding). I know its bad, but she was always the 'what if' girl in my last relationship and I think I have always liked her secretly. WHAT SHOULD I DO???

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I think: Go SLOOOOWWW. No flowers, no secret admirer notes. She's apparently special enough to consider a future with, so don't treat her like a rebound. Don't let her treat you like one either. This is one case where it's clear you should build a friendship over an extended period of time before you make the big leap.

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yeah she is a very special woman...i wont do the flowers thing, but what about going as friends for new years? i dont have anyone else to ask....

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