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What my friends think

Budda Licious

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Budda Licious

I met this girl online a while back. I had never seen her before, and she didn't have a pic. We both found out that we work for the same company, but in different towns(about 20 minutes away) The office that i work at, there are only 4 of us and we are all like best friends. I told my co workers about meeting her online and that i had never seen her. Well, it just so happens that two of them was going to the office that she works at to pick up some equipment. I told them to check her out and give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Well, they came back later with their thumbs down and said she was not my type and that she wasn't good looking at all. A few weeks later, i met her for lunch and we hit it off well. I think she is very pretty and I like her alot. She has a VERY VERY good personality and we get along great. She told me that she really likes me alot, and she really want us to go out on a date. We was talking yesturday, and she said that she wanted to let me know up front that if i was the type of guy that would play games with her or break her heart, to just go ahead and leave her alone because she is really affectionate. I re insured her that im not like that, and that i would never do that to anyone. I want to persue something with her, but i don't want my co-workers to critisize me for it. I know this sounds silly, but what if they laugh and make jokes? I know they shouldn't matter, but i have to work with these guys. I really like her and want to persue something with her. What should i do?

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You can't control the immaturity of your coworkers and you shouldn't try to. You also don't need to care one bit how they feel. And, if you don't react at all to any teasing they might throw your way, they will quickly cease. Your very last thought in the world should be what anyone else thinks about who you decide to see.


Your biggest mistake was asking these guys to give you a thumbs up and down. Hell, they aren't you. If every man in the world was attracted to every woman in the world, think how screwed up life would be. Don't depend on the opinions of others. Would you send a coworker out to buy a house or a car for you without you seeing it? (Not comparing your lady to a house or car, just trying to make a point here.)


Attraction is a very personal thing. All you need to do if you really want (it is none of their business) is tell your coworkers that you finally met this girl and got to know her a bit and really like her. Don't even consider their reaction. They can't go on forever. DO NOT REACT TO THEM IN ANY WAY...JUST GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS...that will make them seem pretty foolish.


The happiness you get out of being with somebody you really like will far outweigh any kind of teasing you get from these immature, bratty coworkers. You asked what you should do: Just do your job and ignore them. They will grow up one day.


Great going. Sounds like you found someone nice for yourself. That you would shy away from pursuing this girl because you fear criticism of your coworkers is absolutely bizarre. Tell me where they are and I'll kick their butts for you if they open their mouths.

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You have to do what you feel is right for you , I am not so sure your friends are true friends , if they are they should understand as long as your happy , that is all that should matter. It sounds like jelousy and pure immaturity.


anywho , Do whats right for you !

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Agreed...the more power you give them, the more this thing'll eat at you. Don't care what they think. What makes them so special, anyway. They have no right to bud into your personal life. You asked their opinion initially, now THAT'S IT.

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This girl sounds nice and you like her, so forget what your friends think. They will not be with you on that lonely night when you are thinking about her and wishing she were with you. They will not be able to hold your hand in the movies or sit with you over a nice dinner gazing into your eyes.

You have to do what you feel is right for you , I am not so sure your friends are true friends , if they are they should understand as long as your happy , that is all that should matter. It sounds like jelousy and pure immaturity. anywho , Do whats right for you !
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I think you should go with what you feel. You are the one who will have to live with your choice. If you don't, you may regret it. Does it really matter that much what they think? Everyone has different taste and a different type they are attracted to. I wouldn't let my friends decide who I am going to date. What are you going to do? Bring every date by so they can check her out and let them decide if you should date her or not.

I met this girl online a while back. I had never seen her before, and she didn't have a pic. We both found out that we work for the same company, but in different towns(about 20 minutes away) The office that i work at, there are only 4 of us and we are all like best friends. I told my co workers about meeting her online and that i had never seen her. Well, it just so happens that two of them was going to the office that she works at to pick up some equipment. I told them to check her out and give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Well, they came back later with their thumbs down and said she was not my type and that she wasn't good looking at all. A few weeks later, i met her for lunch and we hit it off well. I think she is very pretty and I like her alot. She has a VERY VERY good personality and we get along great. She told me that she really likes me alot, and she really want us to go out on a date. We was talking yesturday, and she said that she wanted to let me know up front that if i was the type of guy that would play games with her or break her heart, to just go ahead and leave her alone because she is really affectionate. I re insured her that im not like that, and that i would never do that to anyone. I want to persue something with her, but i don't want my co-workers to critisize me for it. I know this sounds silly, but what if they laugh and make jokes? I know they shouldn't matter, but i have to work with these guys. I really like her and want to persue something with her. What should i do?
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