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Beating a Dead Horse?

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Almost 2 months ago, I'd asked my bf when the last time he'd hooked up with one of his exes. The reason why I asked was that 1) they'd previously been engaged, 2) they'd hooked up before and 3) I wanted to know if she was truly now just a friend.


His response then was that it'd been about 4 years ago when they last gave tried to get back together at her request. He said it lasted just a few months.


Then yesterday, it came out that 3 years ago, he once drove through awful pre-Thanksgiving Day traffic to a certain city. He didn't mention the ex's name but I know she lives there. I guess what's bothering me is 1) I highly doubt it was a strictly platonic visit that he'd had that Thanksgiving holiday, and 2) he said that he prefers to be alone on holidays such as Thanksgiving.


So, while I may be beating a dead horse, can someone understand why this is now bothering me? because 1+1 isn't exactly turning up as 2 here.


Should I ask him about it? or just try to let it go?

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If as far as you know, he's been faithful to you when you've been together I'd let it go.


Maybe he lied and said 4 years to make you feel better...or maybe honestly he forgot...it WAS four years ago I hbve a hard time remembering when I did things 2 years ago!!!


Either way it was a while ago so don't let your obsession about his past (assuming he hooked up with these people when he wasn't with you) ruin your chance for happiness.

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