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I have been seeing girl on and off, I feel confused and worried about how relationship has been. When first met, turned in to great friendship, I found sight of breast and stomach hard to get use to. I feel really guilty for 2 reasons one because i said how i felt, which really hurt her but also i didnt feel any sparks between us. Anitially i felt that i should stop liking bigger breasts and felt horriable for saying anything. BUt as time has gone on she has change but i still feel strongly about how i felt before.I have been hurt before by lies and prefer to tell truth even if may hurt, prefer to know before hand. How ever have had dreams about her kissing other men feeling ok about that, also erectal problems which i thought was becuase not compatable but not what i thought. She has told me that she is very irrated by my continual negativity not seeing possitives, i really want to change but i dont want to put her in possition of having a relationship with somone not right for her, but then again has been times get on really well Can people have relationships and find things about each other physically a turn off. Do i need to do more, or is it simply i dont find that attractive. Do other people put up with certain things? i know sounds odd, i have come out of string of difficult relationships and i dont want to end up by hurting her or her son.

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Huh? :confused:


Sorry.. I don't really understand what you're saying?


Let me guess.. You have a girlfriend who you get along with well and like as a person.. but you're not physically attracted to her?

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