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Do You Have Any Yeast Free Diet Tips?

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Forever Learning

I have heard about the Yeast Free diet, wondered if anyone has tried it, and did it eliminate yeast from your system. What did you eat, was it mostly low carb/ low sugar as the main premise?

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Before I got diagnosed with the lichen sclerosis, multiple doctors suggested I had chronic yeast so I have been on yeast-free diets on-and-off for several years.


I am currently on a carb-free diet to continue that healthy lifestyle; sauteed vegetables, lean proteins, very few fruit, plain yogurt with nuts, and clear tea.


I no longer eat anything with processed sugars or anything that can create sugar in my body; no bread, crackers, wine, beer, potato, rice, etc...


And - yes - it is depressing as hell.

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No sugar (or alcohol). None at all, including fruit. No flour or other simple carbs. Limited amounts of complex carbs. Meat and veggies are your mainstay.


But if you really have yeast, you need nystatin or fluconozole. Diet alone isn't going to get rid of it.

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