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girlfriends been cheating??

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Alright heres my beef. ive been with my girlfriend for 2 1/2 years and weve had our ups and downs but nothing too serious. a couple of weeks ago we got into a fight, i don't even remember about what. but i decided it a good idea to take a short break from each other, one month to be precise. the agreement was that we still lived together and had sex and stuff but we werent technically going out, really it was just so we could get some space and hang out alone for a while. Well the next day she has sex with my best friend. I eventually got her to tell me and naturally i freaked out. I wasnt even thinking sex or anything like that it wasnt my intention to have sex with other people but to just take a break from each other. Anyway, a lot of crying and thinking later i forgave them both and said screw it because i love her very much and the last thing i wanted to do is lose her. But that was about two weeks ago and hes still hanging out at my house like every dayt. BUT not while im here only while she is. what should i do. I am extremely confused and need some advise before i explode. thanks

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Originally posted by Bobicus

but i decided it a good idea to take a short break from each other, one month to be precise. the agreement was that we still lived together and had sex and stuff but we werent technically going out



Be careful what you ask for because you may get it. And you got it.


First of all, you can't live together and still have sex and not be together. She took you at your word and took advantage of it. But YOU made the rules.


So TECHNICALLY she is not cheating on you because you two are "technically not going out"


Next time choose your words a bit more carefully.

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wow, your girlfriend and best friend are both some serious a-holes.


lose them both.


also, i don't think it was much of a "break" if you're living together and having sex and not supposed to have sex with other people.


good luck with this one, that's a tough situation to be in. you're being taken advantage of, and you should stand up for yourself. don't take this crap from anyone, least of all people who are supposed to care about you.

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dude, take GirlDown's advice and drop both your so called girlfriend and your so called friend. if either one of them was mine and did that horse****, i'd slap em both. taking a break from one another means giving each other some room, not finding the other's friend and going at it like a dog in heat. and as for him, tell him off. tell em both off. you'll feel better in the long run.

there's over 6 billion people on this planet. you don't need to keep someone close to you who would do something like this. find new friends and lovers.

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You are being played as a big fool by both of these people. Your girlfriend screws your best friend and your forgive them and now they hang together when you are at work? How do you think your girlfriend would feel if the roles were reversed? First, your girlfriend is making a total fool out of you and your best friend has stabbed you behind your back. The chances are pretty good that it is still continuing. Drop them both and move on. They deserve each other and you deserve much better.

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first of all... neither ur best friend nor ur girlfriend have respect for u.


secondly, while cheating with anyone is bad, a person who has any sense of respect and morality will not cheat with ur best friend.


and if ur best buddy is still hanging around only when u're not there... they're still screwing believe me... so don't put on ur blinders and be naive.... drop both of them NOW!!! :bunny:

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