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Dating a guy in his 30s with roommates


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Not my cup of tea, but I wouldn't call it 'weird'. At any rate, you're certainly entitled to your preferences. I'd hold off on the blanket generalizations though.

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What about a situation like mine... I have my own 3 bedroom house which I have a mortgage on and I have a house mate paying me rent. Is that acceptable to the OP (and others)?


Or should I live strictly on my own and not do anything which chips off some of my mortgage for me?


PS this is sort of rhetorical as my girlfriend is cool with it and I've never had any dramas with either this arrangement or any other.


Also agree with the Aussie poster saying that most people who act all godly about this either live in cheap cities or are privileged with rich parents.

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Up to about mid 30s is the norm here in London. Beyond that, I'd be put off. And I have had dates with guys in their 40s who are still flat sharing. Definitely not for me, I think it's reasonable for me to want someone as established as I am.


And if he gave the excuse of economics - again, at this stage of my life I'm not interested in anyone where that has to be a factor. Your 20s and 30s are the years for that.

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Notice most of the people who are so defensive about it are guys.... Lol... Just saying


I'm a guy, if I was a girl I don't think I would like it. This topic shows up quite a bit on the forum so apparently it's a concern. Personally, I gots to have my own space. I haven't had a roommate in years and wouldn't do that unless I was broke as a joke. And no offense, but citing TV shows as arguments is weak.


Disclaimer: I'm late 30's, own several homes and a farm, primary residence is in mid-sized American city.

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