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Just Dont Get It..


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I just dont get it...


I broke up with my ex back in July. Lost phone service in August and just now recently got the phone back on. When i last talked to my ex-fiancé. He was so angry with me and just acted like he didnt want to hear me out on anything. The reasons we even split was because of a love triangle going on. But it was all internet based anyway, so i dont see where the foul was.

Anyway, now that i retured. Its like he cant stop calling me constantly. He just ended a bad relationship with an other girl and i dont know if thats what it is but he calls, he tries to get his phone sex, whatever it is in that dept. Talks to me, every once in awhile, he will say "I Love You" but then turn around a few seconds later and say "You didnt hear that", and then i guess you could call it a laugh. When i ask him, what is it that he is thinking. He wont give me an answer. I've asked him several times if he is wanting to get back together and he just gives me an answer that usually makes no sense, more like he changes the subject. Its like he wants a friends-with-benifits situation but personally i dont like these type relationships because usually the emotions do get jumbled and someone gets hurt. (Me).


Thing is i dont know what to think right now. Is the guy just playing the bit of the "player" until some other girl comes along or what? I mean, he gets so jealous if i even talk to an other guy as it is now. He doesnt want me dating anyone, has outright told me so. But yet... he doesnt want to clue me in on what he wants. Sometimes in the conversation, he does say things like, he likes being single and all but if you were hear some of the conversations too.. youd wonder if he wasnt wanting more, and just to scared to take the step again. I dont know.


Any theories or advice Ladies and Gents? If you need more details just ask.



This probably isnt in the right thread on the board but eh, i dont know where something like this would fit in best.

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Was the love triangle on your end or his?


Another guy or girl involved here?

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Well, it was actually coming from my end. I had feelings for someone else at the time i met the guy i am talking about now. And in a whirlwind change of events... i had fallen for this guy, actual love here. The former beau, and i remained friends. Though there was still a little something there, which was part of the reason the ex and i split. It wasnt that i was cheating or anything. I mean i know it was wrong but it was reaction to the fact the ex had a lot of "friends" that were girls. Girls he had phone sex and cyber sex with on a regular basis behind my back. He had even been caught and he still to this day denies that he ever did such a thing. He even had other girls telling him, they wanted to get with him and such while we were together. So, his anger and what not for me being friends with someone, maybe a little on the deeper type of friendship with this one guy and getting angry over it, was probably a little uncalled for.


I recently started to talk to this friend again and things are pretty much the same there. This guy though is in love with me. Told me he would do anything for me, etc etc. But he is sooo young , i am in my thirties and well, he's only 19. So chances of me continuing into anything deeper then just friends probably wont ever happen. ...


But still, for the ex.. to get so jealous... over guy thats thousands of miles away.. but yet, him and i arent together..... i just dont get what my ex wants from me. Yes i still love him very dearly and would get back with him if the situation was right but i am not sure exactly where he is trying to take this relationship too in the first place, ... just friends, friends with benifits or more... its just that its getting so frustrating.

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Ahhh I see..


Well.. could be he is uncertain how to handle speaking with you out of his own fear and insecurity that maybe you wouldn't recipracate his feelings...


He was jealous of the guy a million miles away.. because you were emotionally connected to him.

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