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It hit me in the middle of McDonalds


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So I am in the line at McDonalds and I see all of these people in here just laughing and koking and carrying on with life. meanwhile, I am an emotional wreck. I jusy started crying in the middle of McDonalds. Thank God I had my shades.. Then I just went in the plaza we have where I live and I just sat and cried. I guess this is the part where they say you take one step forward but two steps back.... Man....

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Those moments are major parts of the healing process. You've been carrying a great amount of stress, and that was your body letting some out.


Don't fear crying, embrace it.

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If going to McDonalds does this to you, I strongly recommend you avoid Ikea like the plague. Boy, after my breakup with the big ex, I would sob uncontrollably every time I went into a decoration shop. Something about those nice couples and families buying lovely articles to decorate their lovely homes...


Buying a bloody set of wine glasses was never more emotional, I tell you that!


Don't worry, it happens to everyone.

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If going to McDonalds does this to you, I strongly recommend you avoid Ikea like the plague. Boy, after my breakup with the big ex, I would sob uncontrollably every time I went into a decoration shop. Something about those nice couples and families buying lovely articles to decorate their lovely homes...


Buying a bloody set of wine glasses was never more emotional, I tell you that!


Don't worry, it happens to everyone.


Candie.. Thank you for that laugh.. I needed that. My bro. in law sent this to me today.. This is so true...


"At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but no in your life".....

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For a while, you're going to get that feeling just about anywhere you go. Even the supermarket I found myself looking at families everywhere, acting normal, meanwhile I was falling apart inside.


Keep going out though. Even if it's just for short bursts to get used to being around people. It helps as opposed to hiding out at home and not getting enough human contact.

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Gird yourself, begin making plans now, the worst time of the year will be starting in two months.

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Yep, cried at Sams Club when a man came over an put my very large bag of dog food in the back of the van for me.


Cried at Walmart looking at all of the couples there. Cried so hard in the parking lot.


Cried at Tuesday Mornings...don't know why, just felt like it, I guess.


It is cathartic, cleansing and leads to peace of mind. Cry all you want and get it out. It stops, it really does.:)

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I truly hate that we are going through this but its also comforting im not the only one. I would feel like I was in a bubble and I was looking out into the world. I was even embarrassed being out and about because I thought that people could tell that I was screaming and crying inside my head. I hate seeing all the happy families because all I think about is 'I wonder how long they are going to last'. I see pregnant woman and think, 'you fool, your man is going to leave you when you pop'. Those are horrible thoughts because I don't want to be negative. I hope those people last forever and are happy, because I want to be happy and in a relationship where the person im with loves me as much as I love them.

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The appropriate tactical countermove to this is to go to Ikea or Target and watch all of the mopey guys lifelessly tagging behind their wife with their eyes sunken into their skulls and their mouths hanging open wishing that an airplane would fall out of the sky and land on them.


And then, go nail some strange. 60% of the time, it works everytime.

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secondfailure- This too shall pass.

Allow me to share one little personal anecdote. When I first separated from my now-ex, my bus to work used to pass our very 1st apartment building from years ago. Every time the bus passed, I used to get weepy and break down.

Now, almost 3 years on, when I ride that same bus down to work and pass the old apartment building, I don't have those same crestfallen feelings anymore. It was just a place; time moved on. There's an odd acceptance that takes over.

This morning, as the bus stopped at the light, right by the building, I kept trying to conjure up any emotional scraps about it (not to make myself sad - just trying to remember some good times), and I could barely conjure her up. It was like seeing a ghost through a gauzy haze.

My point is, you'll get there too.

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Hey. I thought my crying days were over some years ago, but since I am just now getting separated, I find myself crying at the most random moments. I was in Hallmark the other day getting a card and saw the Christmas ornaments. We have been getting dated ornaments for 32 years. Just the thought of the holidays is so depressing to me. I think I might buy a little black dress and go to EVERY holiday party I am invited to (and even crash a few!)

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Thinking about it, the holidays are going to be a tough one this year. My family are all estranged more or less, so, my Dad and my brother go to their wives families for Xmas and without a wife now I'll be going no where.


She'll be having a family Xmas with all the kids and her sisters, mum, and brothers in law with presents and a big dinner. That's going to bite the big one!!


Oh, and having to buy for the kids and not seeing them open their presents this year. Yep, it sucks...


I'll have to treat myself!!

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I hear ya


You name it, I've cried! From personal triggers, like buying a card or gift, visiting homeware shops, seeing couples out on romantic dates, walking past where we had our first date, hearing our first wedding dance ... or random times when it just seems to come from nowhere... at my desk at work, on the bus, walking down the street. Sometimes it's okay not to hold it together and just allow yourself to feel sad, grieve and cry; those moments I believe help us to heal in their own way.

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On multiple fronts? I'm no stranger to the rain? I've made lightening and thunder my friend.


Its called PTSD, Post Taumatic Stress Disorder. You don't have to go through Marine bootcamp, multiple combat tours in the far reaches of the Earth to suffer from it. Its relativative from one person to another. What is a scrape to one is a gashing wound to another.


I can't emphasis enough how relative it is and can be ~ and how traumatic it can be from one person to the other? But the mental and emotional shock and awe is the same.


As a Marine I've been conditoned to explosions, death, people I don't know shooting at me and trying to take my head off? But that doesn't mean the death of a beloved kitten is any less traumatic nor emotional expeirence to Mrs. Gunny who's never been through what I've been through.


I've been through and lived through so many typhoons and hurrincances ~ they don't even phase me anymore. The last one I went out and slept in my car! :cool: I've seen people die of things they should have never died off and others live through things that should have surely killed them?


Its all relative and per one's live experiences.


I've been shot at and missed, **** at and hit, betrayed by lovers and at least one ex-wife. I've broken bones, been cut-up, knifed, stabbed, shot at, hit, told I was on my last breath...................yada~ yada! But I'm still here kicking and a living.


Its all relative.


I've got scars on top of my scars, and more metal in holding my bones together than I can list at a airport scanner. I've got more pins and plates in my body than anyone has a right to? But I'm still up and walking around, up and getting verticle every morning.


Its not been so much the physcial scars, hits, and bruises, etc ~ so much as its been the mental and the mential and emotional brusies, scares and such that's been so hard to bear.


I've learned that less is better, that no matter of worrying is worth a single solitary damn! That letting is go is better than hangining on! That if your depreseed your hanging on to your past ~ and if your anxious? Your hanging on to your future ~ and that what you need to be hanging on to is the here and now ~ the present.


I've learned that no matter who you come across? They've know something you don't! And they've got something to teach you and you've got something to learn from them!


I've learned that "But by the Grace of Almighty God? There go I!" So I've learned not to judge people in the light of my mind's eye!"


I've learned not to seek the approval of others ~ not their validation~ I am what I am and that's all I"m ever going to be! I try and do right by others, and treat them the way I would have them treat me and speak to them the way that I would have them speak to me.


They say you can judge another by the way that they treat others ~ even though they've nothing to gain from them. That's the way I go about treating others, I speak to them and converse and am geniunlly interested in them ~ their lives ~ their wants ~ their needs ~ their worries ~ even though they've nothing to offer me ~ cannot further my career ~ my fortune ~ my wealth ~ my anthing.


If for nothing else they're someone's son or daughter ~ and they were good enough for the Mother that bore them and for God? Then they're good enough for me!


I do apoligize that I let others down and didn't meet up to their expectations. I served my country ~ although I was and never will be one of the legends of "Tha' Corps" I'm no snake-eater, nor Johnny Rambo, and nor am I'm up for the "Father of the Year, Decade, Millieumum, Century ~ nor the End all to be all of Husbands?


But I did and am doing my best, and giving all that I got each and everyday. And somedays? I'm not 100% but of those days you can bet I'm giving 150% of what I've got! Even IF its only 80% of what I've got?




SO HELP ME GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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