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long distance relationship

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I have been in a long distance relationship for 6 months now. At first things were okay, he was writing me wonderful love letters about once a week and we were talking on the phone often. But for the past 3 months he hasn't write at all and barely calls me. He says he's going through some tough times at work, with long hours and having to deal with some mean coworkers. When we do talk on the phone, he is very loving and I believe we are both in love with on another. I trust him too. He already knows how it makes me feel when he doesn't write or call but he hasn't done anything about it. Normally I would have broken up with the guy long ago. But I believe this is true love and I believe in him. Am I crazy?

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I am also in a long distance relationship, and I understand how hard it is. I don't know if you get a chance to see him at all or not, but I know that even if it's once every few months that can help. It's good that the trust is there. How long do you anticipate this situation to continue? If he is having a tough time, just try to stay focused on whatever long term plans you two have and keep the love and concern for his situation. I'm sure if he could be near you and away from difficult coworkers, he would like that, but he obviously is making the sacrifice for more long-term goals. My boyfriend is in the same boat, and we both sympathize and encourage you and your boyfriend. Hang in there, and if it is strong enough, you will get through it.

I have been in a long distance relationship for 6 months now. At first things were okay, he was writing me wonderful love letters about once a week and we were talking on the phone often. But for the past 3 months he hasn't write at all and barely calls me. He says he's going through some tough times at work, with long hours and having to deal with some mean coworkers. When we do talk on the phone, he is very loving and I believe we are both in love with on another. I trust him too. He already knows how it makes me feel when he doesn't write or call but he hasn't done anything about it. Normally I would have broken up with the guy long ago. But I believe this is true love and I believe in him. Am I crazy?
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Thanks so much for your response. He is so far away from me. I haven't seen him for 6 months and we still have another 3 1/2 months to go. I know he loves me and needs me so much. It's just been hard to understand his tough situation and how drained he is emotionally from this situation. I'm going to try to talk to him this weekend about how I'm feeling and whether there are ways for us to feel more connected by email or something.


Thanks again!



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I can completely understand what you're going through. My boyfriend is in the military, and it's horrible. The worst part is that we met after he was already in the Navy, so the most time we've had together is 3 weeks. Somehow I managed to fall madly in love with him, but he's in Cuba right now, and I'm in New York. I get very discouraged, and I sometimes wonder if it's really worth it. It seems like I'm always the one that has to call him, and I can't always see the point of it, but I guess you just have to be patient, because everything will work out the way it should. The worst thing with me is that I am still so young (19), and if we're staying together, that's a big commitment. I don't know if I'm ready for that. A lot has been going through my mind lately, I'm just trying to sort it all out. I wish you luck with your situation. Take care.

Thanks so much for your response. He is so far away from me. I haven't seen him for 6 months and we still have another 3 1/2 months to go. I know he loves me and needs me so much. It's just been hard to understand his tough situation and how drained he is emotionally from this situation. I'm going to try to talk to him this weekend about how I'm feeling and whether there are ways for us to feel more connected by email or something.


Thanks again! Mindy

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