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I having questions about a threesome...


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Okay, here is the situation. My boyfriend's biggest fantasy is to be with me and another woman. I really want to make this happen. The thing is that I lied and told him I had a little rendevouz with another girl. I think that it is going to happen, we found a girl, etc. The thing is that I know what I like a guy to do to me; I just want to know how to make this a great experience and what I am supposed to do to the girl. I wish that I could practice giving oral kind of like a girl does with a banana or something to practice giving head to a guy. So, basically I just want some suggestions on what we can do, etc. Any help for me?

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Are you bi? I mean do you really want to give oral to the woman or is it because you think that's what your guy would like to see happen?


If it's not something that particularly turns you on then don't feel that you HAVE to do anything with/to the girl, that's HIS job! He's the one that's got his work cut out for him here. He's got two woman to satisfy here! Guys seem to think that in this type of threesome situation they don't have to do anything, but in fact it's the complete opposite, a guy has to be fit as to keep up with this type of action - believe me, the guy has to be good!


Your job (if you don't want to 'do' anything to the gal) is to concentrate on him whilst they are going at it..... he'll get turned on just by the fact that one woman is titilating him whilst he's in action (so to speak).


Does this help? Enjoy........!

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are you worried that if this encounter is enjoyable to him that he may want to do it all the time? Who is the girl? Is it someone the two of you know well? There are risks involved here. I have heard of relationships being torn apart by inviting another person into the bedroom.

Okay, here is the situation. My boyfriend's biggest fantasy is to be with me and another woman. I really want to make this happen. The thing is that I lied and told him I had a little rendevouz with another girl. I think that it is going to happen, we found a girl, etc. The thing is that I know what I like a guy to do to me; I just want to know how to make this a great experience and what I am supposed to do to the girl. I wish that I could practice giving oral kind of like a girl does with a banana or something to practice giving head to a guy. So, basically I just want some suggestions on what we can do, etc. Any help for me?
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When I had a threesome, it was awesome because it was with my best friend and a gorgeous guy who was her flatmate. It was probably so good, because it happened naturally (none of us were expecting it) and none of us were involved with each other. I think its always asking for trouble if you try to involve another person in a relationship - someone is gonna get hurt at some time. But you've obviously decided to do this, so here are some tips (just to stress again ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA though).


It started off with my friend and I just fooling around, kind of just running our hands over each others arms and legs (the neutral bits!) and saying sexy things to each other. We were really just doing it because it was teasing the guy and we were enjoying getting him excited. We had no intention of taking it further, and turned down the lights and settled into bed. He pretty much settled himself between us and my friend started to kiss him. They started to touch each other, and after awhile the guys hand kind of casually slid onto my butt and started working on it. So he was feeling up my friend on one side and me on the other. I think thats what turned him on so much initially, that he thought neither one of us knew. Finally, my friend and I decided what was going to happen and it did. My friend focused on the genital area and they did the deed, while I focused on the rest of his body and ran my hands up and down over his shoulders, neck, back, thighs and butt, while kissing his neck area. When they had finished, the guy then manually stimulated me, while my friend went down on me at the same time. Basically, she gave me oral the same way a guy does, just using the tongue to flick in and out, lick, and flat-tongue (press hard over the clit and move side to side).


It was fantastic - the whole experience, and I think it was even more so because us (the girls) called all the shots. Nothing was going to happen unless we wanted it too. I didnt want to have sex with my friend or go down on her, so I didnt. If you don't want to do something to your third party, just don't. Do what you're comfortable with and don't worry about what your boyfriend wants. After all, this is your experience too. Why spend it worrying about if you're turning your boyfriend on! Turn yourself on! Believe me, the guy won't have a problem enjoying it,no matter what you do or don't do.


Have fun, enjoy. But I warn you, not a good idea to do it when you're in a relationship. I've known so many people that regret it later. The only ones that never do, are those in my situation, where its a threesome between three people who are not involved with each other except as friends.

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Hey Gals,


Interesting to read your experience HunterGirl.


In my opinion it's not entirely true that "the only people who don't regret threesomes are people who aren't involved


with each other as friends".


I know a couple who have been having threesomes (other men only, ie two guys, one gal - because the woman is not bi) for about five years, it has enhanced their relationship and their sex lives.


Upon quizzing them about things (asking them all the questions a person who hasn't done this sort of thing would ask), they told me that they did NOT venture into this type of activity until they had been married for over 11 years.


I asked them if they got jealous and how they dealt with that, they both said that at first they WERE jealous - but the joy and satisfaction they got from seeing the person they deeply love having so much pleasure and living out their fantasies was enough to override those emotions. It's also a huge trust factor. They trust each other's love enough to know that they will always come back to one another.


The guy stressed to me that he was amazed at the young people he was seeing starting to get into this type of 'wanting more' after a only few years together, in his experience it was usually the downfall of their relationship - maily because they just don't have enough history between them to work things out when the green moster comes out AND it's usually the woman who starts having hankerings for more (surprise!, well it surprised me).


I guess what I'm getting at here is IT is possible to be in an intimate relationship, have these sorts of adventures and things get stonger BUT it's risky if you haven't been together long enough.

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i guess all these married people having 3-somes have amnesia and forget about the wedding vows they made to each other. to forsake all others, to remain faithful. nowadays we're so preoccupied with sex sex sex. what a sad shame when it takes a married couple rolling in the sheets withs someone else to make their relationship stronger and to increase intimacy. it's not about love, it's about lust. and it's not about making things stronger between them, it's about finding an alternative acceptable way to screw others. nowadays, if it feels good do it. no morals, no boundaries. just do whatever you want. sleep with a married man if you want and all your friends will be envious. this world is becoming a moral wasteland.


Hey Gals, Interesting to read your experience HunterGirl.


In my opinion it's not entirely true that "the only people who don't regret threesomes are people who aren't involved with each other as friends". I know a couple who have been having threesomes (other men only, ie two guys, one gal - because the woman is not bi) for about five years, it has enhanced their relationship and their sex lives. Upon quizzing them about things (asking them all the questions a person who hasn't done this sort of thing would ask), they told me that they did NOT venture into this type of activity until they had been married for over 11 years. I asked them if they got jealous and how they dealt with that, they both said that at first they WERE jealous - but the joy and satisfaction they got from seeing the person they deeply love having so much pleasure and living out their fantasies was enough to override those emotions. It's also a huge trust factor. They trust each other's love enough to know that they will always come back to one another. The guy stressed to me that he was amazed at the young people he was seeing starting to get into this type of 'wanting more' after a only few years together, in his experience it was usually the downfall of their relationship - maily because they just don't have enough history between them to work things out when the green moster comes out AND it's usually the woman who starts having hankerings for more (surprise!, well it surprised me). I guess what I'm getting at here is IT is possible to be in an intimate relationship, have these sorts of adventures and things get stonger BUT it's risky if you haven't been together long enough.

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People really don't post often here about threesomes. I can only recall about a handful in a year. There have been a few in the last day or two, may be the moon or planetary alignment.


This is very much a moral question and a question of committment two people make to each other. While I would not be interested in a threesome, there are couples who are. They advertise for them in the personals all the time.


Sex gets boring for some people. They seek to make it interesting for each other by bringing in other people to the picture. Even more popular than threesomes are swinger clubs, where there are foursomes and couples exchange wives and husbands for the evening. Some of these clubs do it in such a musical chair fashion that members could be swapping with different couples every week for months before seeing another couple twice. I suppose sometimes it happens in a single evening.


Yes, we can preach morals and religious values here all day. But the fact is that human beings are sexual creatures that seek to be fulfilled in this most basic way. Some people were created with excess drive and excess need and imagination.


There are even those who have been so incredibly sexually active all their adult lives that they find a same sex encounter to be the final frontier to relieve their boredom or emptiness.


Given that I am not inclined...nor do I think I would ever be inclined...to participate in any kind of threesome, swinging or same sex type experience...I don't think I would be inclined to judge couples whose members FREELY AND WILLFULLY enter into these.


However, I detest any person who works excessively at convincing their spouse or partner to participate in this sort of thing. It is repulsive to me that any married person or person in a committed relationship would compel their partner to participate in anything like this.


Any person who is in a relationship who feels pressured out of guilt or for any other reason to cave in to one of these threesome or swinger experiences should move out immediately and seek legal remedy if there is a marriage involved. That is, if the partner doesn't back off real fast.


I also think that if a partner expresses more than a passing interest in such a multiple involvement, this is a serious sign that must not be ignored. If this seed is allowed to grow, they will find two other partners outside the relationship (another point of pressure to be considered).


I think there is a place somewhere here where having more than two people in a bed ceases to be a purely sexual encounter and begins to be a perversion. I'm not realy sure where than point is. Maybe it's when the cat jumps in a tries to get involved.

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I am old fashioned and think the best sex involves love, not just physical stimulation. But not everyone can experience that wonderful combination, for whatever reason, and thus seek touch and excitement in whatever way they can. This is OK if the emotions don't get too involved, but the problem is, they often do, even if we don't want them to.


My sister was involved in a threesome once and it hurt her feelings because the guy preferred the other girl to her and she felt left out in the cold. It hurt her self-esteem, even though she went into it just for the fun of it.

People really don't post often here about threesomes. I can only recall about a handful in a year. There have been a few in the last day or two, may be the moon or planetary alignment.


This is very much a moral question and a question of committment two people make to each other. While I would not be interested in a threesome, there are couples who are. They advertise for them in the personals all the time. Sex gets boring for some people. They seek to make it interesting for each other by bringing in other people to the picture. Even more popular than threesomes are swinger clubs, where there are foursomes and couples exchange wives and husbands for the evening. Some of these clubs do it in such a musical chair fashion that members could be swapping with different couples every week for months before seeing another couple twice. I suppose sometimes it happens in a single evening.


Yes, we can preach morals and religious values here all day. But the fact is that human beings are sexual creatures that seek to be fulfilled in this most basic way. Some people were created with excess drive and excess need and imagination.


There are even those who have been so incredibly sexually active all their adult lives that they find a same sex encounter to be the final frontier to relieve their boredom or emptiness. Given that I am not inclined...nor do I think I would ever be inclined...to participate in any kind of threesome, swinging or same sex type experience...I don't think I would be inclined to judge couples whose members FREELY AND WILLFULLY enter into these. However, I detest any person who works excessively at convincing their spouse or partner to participate in this sort of thing. It is repulsive to me that any married person or person in a committed relationship would compel their partner to participate in anything like this. Any person who is in a relationship who feels pressured out of guilt or for any other reason to cave in to one of these threesome or swinger experiences should move out immediately and seek legal remedy if there is a marriage involved. That is, if the partner doesn't back off real fast. I also think that if a partner expresses more than a passing interest in such a multiple involvement, this is a serious sign that must not be ignored. If this seed is allowed to grow, they will find two other partners outside the relationship (another point of pressure to be considered). I think there is a place somewhere here where having more than two people in a bed ceases to be a purely sexual encounter and begins to be a perversion. I'm not realy sure where than point is. Maybe it's when the cat jumps in a tries to get involved.

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