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still in love with x GF :-(

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Not too long ago i posted a link about me cheating on my girlfriend who i love very much. I was drunk and it was stupid but ive stopped kicking myself in the ass for it and now im not really sure what to do...ive recently started "sorta" going out with another girl. nothing official but we are just together. i recently got a call from my x yesterday, she asked me if i was going to a thanksgiving football game at my old high school. and i said yes im going with that girl who im "sorta" with. she asked if i was going to ignore her, and i said yes probably because it would just hurt me too much to talk to her. So she shot right back at me and said "how do you think im going to feel seeing you with the girl you cheated on me with?" i didnt know what to say. Later on we were talking online about the situation and she said that she "missed being with me but knew she couldnt" she went on to say that she couldnt believe she hadnt seen me since summer and she missed me. I told her it would be really hard for me to try to be friends with her if there wasnt a chance that we would get back together, but she said she really wants me to try, and "how would i know if we never even hang out" im confused as hell on what to do i still love her so much, is she just messing with my head or does she really miss me? :(

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Hmm.. seems to me she is wanting you to try again for a possible romantic relationship..

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I agree completely. It sounds like she has had time to get over the hurt of what you did to her and she is wanting to slowly see if it could work again. She may not want to jump right into "Let's get back together!" if she doesn't have time to see you and see how she is able to connect with you after being hurt by you. You have told her that it would hurt too much to be her friend so she knows you still love her obviously. It's up to you to take the next step if you love her and want to perhaps see if she wants to give it another go.

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