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Why would he say this?


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Ok so last night my two best girlfriends and sister came by my work to say Hello. One of my girlfriend's dates my ex's best friend so she wanted to say hello to my ex. I went and got him and he went outside and talked to them for a few minutes. Anyways when I got off work I spoke to my sister and she said that last night while they were talking to him he brought up the fact of going home for New Year's and was like "Yea I'm bringing a date so you all will get to meet her." When my friends left my sister said to them "Did you all catch that?" And they were all like "Yea I was hoping you all caught that too!" "Why would he even bring that up?" So my question is why would he bring something like that up? He's talking to my best friend's and sister. They all thought it was really weird that he said what he did to them.


Funny thing is I know he's not dating anyone.

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Perhaps he was tryin-to-make-u-jealous...sorry-my-keyboard-messed-up-spacebar-just-stopped-workin-but-anyways-do-you-two-still-talk-at-all?

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how old is he and yourself?? perhaps he was tryin to make ya jealous as he knew that obviously ur sisters and friends would tell you and hoep that you would get a lil angry or bother ya. or he could really be excited taht he has a date! how long since ya two been broken up??

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Lovely.. isn't it possible that he really does have a date and wanted to make sure your friends and sister would tell you about it?


Even IF he really doesn't have a date.. he obviously knew what he had said would get back to you.. and IMO that is exactly what he wanted..


I remember a thread you posted a little while ago about your taking a date to the place where you and your EX work and your EX was working the night you went in with your date to your place of work to eat.. so could be it's a matter of "tit for tat" so to speak.

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i agree wtih merin. i think u two are playin a game of sorts..tryin to get each other jealous. but in order to even feeel jealously..someone must care for the other person so there are still feelings there im sure. i say ya be the bigger person and dont try to bring anyone around him because all it does is make him play this game of revenge and look what happened

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Thanks for the advice! He is 25 and I'm 21. He's a pretty immature 25 year old though. We've been broken up for 5 months now. I also wanted for to mention that last night a girl we work with came in to eat with one of her girlfriend's. Anyways he kept going over and sitting with them in between his breaks. At one point I walked by to seat a table and he looked right at me and he had his arm around on of the girls(not the one we work with)and looked at me with a huge smile on his face. I thought that was pretty ****ty.

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When I was with my ex I got her a job for the summer (one of the mnay things I did for her that I don't think she appreciated) at my family's office where I work full time. She was still in university and had no summer job prospects at the time so I got her that well paying and easy job so she could have some cash and also so we could hang around each other for the whole summer. Bad idea because work and personal life can't mix. I came close to breaking things off that summer and apparently so did she. The funny thing? My parents have worked together for 14 years in that office and they met each other way back in the day while working at the same bank. Now those are two people who truly love each other to be able to stand one another at work and then go home together.:)


My best friend also worked with his ex and it sometimes caused tension until she went to work at a different place but that is a whole different story.

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