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Post separation stages

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Hi troops, mono here, just wondering, I have read the stages of grief, but they don't seem to equate, they seem more for bereavement as opposed to a break up, also, as I have to keep limited contact with the ex, I still have to speak to her and see her for picking up/dropping off my son. My question is perhaps geared towards people in a similar situation, what stages does someone with limited contact go through. I have to state that, although the ex did the "dumping", I don't necessarily disagree as I was quite miserable being with her and living so far away from my friends and family. It's strange, I feel aggrieved at being cast aside like a used rag, but when I contemplate going back to her, it doesn't fill me with an I wish or if only moment. I feel lonely and miss companionship, but not particularly with her, does this mean I'm beginning the "moving on process" or will it mean two steps forward and one step back?

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