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Hidden Camera


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I really think my boyfriend is spying on me. There's this air duct in the bathroom and I think there may be a hidden camera up in there, but it's 14 feet up, and I can't get up there to look. Also, I think he may have put hidden cameras and microphones in a few other areas of our house. I'm petrofied!! How can I find out if I have been being spied on by hidden cameras???

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The fact that you think you are being spied on by hidden cameras placed by your boyfriend indicates you have a serious trust issue here and you are with the wrong guy!!!


Assuming you have not been diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, you can call a private detective agency to come inspect the house. They will detect all eavesdropping and video equipment very rapidly and charge you only a minimum fee.


You can also get an apartment handyman or other maintenance type person you or a friend of yours may know to check throughout your home for eavesdropping equipment. Now if it is well placed and wireless, someone who is not a professional could have a problem detecting it. But if there's as much as you suspect, surely at least one piece could be found.


I really don't think you ought to be around a guy you think is spying on you. Furthermore, if you have nothing to hide...why would you be concerned unless he's planning on selling tapes of you changing your clothes or something?


This is pretty sick if he is guilty of this. You don't need to live your life like this.


Another alternative would be for you to have microphones and cameras installed yourself to spy on him placing or removing his surveillance equipment.


Why do you suspect this is going on? If you haven't seen any of these devices, what has happened for you to suspect this? Relationships are tough enough sometimes without having to worry if you are being watched and recorded.


The Truman Show with Jim Carey was one of my favorite movies. In it, his entire life was televised for the world to see. Until you find out if you are being recorded, play to the camera...look at the walls, the light fixtures, the lamps, all over...and sing, dance, etc. When he sees the recordings he will know that you know he is watching you. Jim Carey did an excellent job of making his life entertaining for his television audience. You can too.


Then maybe he will stop...if he really is...when he sees you are wise to his antics. And if he hasn't placed any cameras or recording devices in your home, it's good voice practice anyway.

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Detective's Chick

Get a private investigator - when he least expects it. They are excellent and will find anything. Shouldn't cost too much as they have tools that can detect anything quick plus they are always willing to help a damsel in distress. Ring around,but not in your place - go to a friends house. The thought of that is so sick. What makes you feel like this? How can you know this?


It does happen just look at the (loser's) voyuerism sites, theres cameras in the toilet, up skirt shots, and they think it is funny, sad people. It is a mental illness and they get worse. They also abuse children and the actions get sicker. So you are not alone. Take care and if he is doing this watch him crumble later on.

I really think my boyfriend is spying on me. There's this air duct in the bathroom and I think there may be a hidden camera up in there, but it's 14 feet up, and I can't get up there to look. Also, I think he may have put hidden cameras and microphones in a few other areas of our house. I'm petrofied!! How can I find out if I have been being spied on by hidden cameras???
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This is a very strange thing to suspect of your boyfriend... Why would you think this? Has he indicated before that he wants to make home sex movies or something else related to video? I know he'll probably lie to you, but I suggest you just come right out and ask him. He may just be so shocked that you know, that he won't be able to come up with a believable reaction of ignorance. Ask him to his face and if you know him well, you'll be able to tell if he's lying to you. If you feel like he's lying to you, say something nonchantly about how the switches (etc) need to fixed (wherever you suspect the camera to be, you can come up with something), so someone is coming in to do that tonight. Then keep an eye on him all night. If he's lying, he'll panic and try to get you out of the house, or lock himself in the room with some excuse, and remove the camera. If he's not lying, he won't care. But don't let him try to fix it himself - thats an easy way to remove the camera under pretense. If he insists, stick with him in the room while he does it and inspect any bits or parts he takes out, and watch closely everything he does. I hope that you get your answer soon, like I said its a very strange thing to suspect your boyf of doing, the doubt must have been installed in yr head for some reason so I hope he isnt invading your privacy like that. Sick.

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First of all, I didn't know bathrooms were close to 14 ft high. What kind of place do you live in?


What makes you suspect he's done this? Do you have any concrete reasons or is this just some kind of hunch?


Any ideas WHY your b/f would do this?


Giving as much information when you post in places like this, helps you to receive the best advice possible.



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As far as I know, videotaping or recording someone without their knowledge, permission, consens is HIGHLY ILLEGAL


If I was here, I'd do what others suggested.....get a Private Investigator to check things out...and if she finds a hidden camera(s) or recording devices, she should call the Police ASAP!


If she comes right out and asks him, or voices her suspicions, that's it.....he'll deny it, wait til she's not around and remove all this equipment.


Just my $0.02

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firstly, i would walk around to the parts of the house (while he was there) that i thought had microphones in them and mutter into them, "testing, testing 1,2,3". you will no doubt be able to tell if he's been caught out by the look on his face. if he says, "what on earth are you doing?", just act dumb and say, "nothing. just being a goose".


if the microphones don't exist, but you feel in your gut there is a camera in the bathroom, then personally, i'd do a little skit for him. i would stand in the bathroom and i would get a few pieces of cardboard and write on them. i would do my skit as follows:


"hi honey. sorry to disappoint you. i'm not going to do a strip for you. you're probably wondering what these pieces of cardboard are for, right? well, just in case you can't hear me when you watch this, i thought it would be wise to make subtitles. just thought i would let you know that i am obviously aware there is a camera up there. if you don't personally confirm this to my face, i shall call in a private investigator to have it confirmed for me, and then i will call the police. this is a promise. do you understand?"


of course, i'd only do the above on the grounds that he is not an aggressive or violent person, and that you don't fear for your safety. you could just be with a sick voyeur, but only you know that.


if this is to no avail, then you will have to call in a private investigator.


i'm sorry that this is happening to you. but to suspect that your boyfriend may be spying on you shows a serious lack of trust and respect in this relationship, and probably many other issues too.


i hope for your sake, that he's not spying on you, and it's just a paranoid feeling. other than that, it seems there are some serious issues to be confronted here, or else you need to move on to someone who treat you like a lady and not as a peep show or something to interrogate.


I really think my boyfriend is spying on me. There's this air duct in the bathroom and I think there may be a hidden camera up in there, but it's 14 feet up, and I can't get up there to look. Also, I think he may have put hidden cameras and microphones in a few other areas of our house. I'm petrofied!! How can I find out if I have been being spied on by hidden cameras???
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Why do you even stay with him if you think he is doing this stuff and you are afraid of him? It is a sexual deviation to spy on someone without their consent. Do you think he is that perverted? If he is, why are you with him? I hope your self-esteem is high enough to get to the bottom of this and, if he is indeed spying on you, to confront him about it and then move out.

As far as I know, videotaping or recording someone without their knowledge, permission, consens is HIGHLY ILLEGAL If I was here, I'd do what others suggested.....get a Private Investigator to check things out...and if she finds a hidden camera(s) or recording devices, she should call the Police ASAP! If she comes right out and asks him, or voices her suspicions, that's it.....he'll deny it, wait til she's not around and remove all this equipment.


Just my $0.02

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