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texting other women???

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thoughts???? is texting and sending pics to other women when you are in a serious exclusive relationship considered cheating?

just found out my bf of almost a year has been sending flirty text messages and pictures with another woman, im disgusted and dont feel like i can trust him again

i feel so upset and a whole lot of other feelings, i dont know to continue or not, he loves me im with him everyday and he says he just does it when hes bored

i still dont get it! i cut off every male friend or ex from my phone, facebook and any other social network

i have major trust issues in the past

i found out of course by his phone, he handed it to me to charge it and it was unlocked and he used mine to make aphone call so i looked,,,,,,,,ugh smh!

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thoughts???? is texting and sending pics to other women when you are in a serious exclusive relationship considered cheating?

just found out my bf of almost a year has been sending flirty text messages and pictures with another woman, im disgusted and dont feel like i can trust him again

i feel so upset and a whole lot of other feelings, i dont know to continue or not, he loves me im with him everyday and he says he just does it when hes bored

i still dont get it! i cut off every male friend or ex from my phone, facebook and any other social network

i have major trust issues in the past

i found out of course by his phone, he handed it to me to charge it and it was unlocked and he used mine to make aphone call so i looked,,,,,,,,ugh smh!


This Is the most important part of your post. Please listen to this advice. Let it go or let him go.

It'll be easier on your mind either way but you have to choose one.

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UMMM if he's so BORED why doesn't he text you or get a hobby or go do some volunteering?


I get bored sometimes, NEVER once has it led to me sending flirty texts/pics to another guy.


Your bf is a cheater, a douchebag, and he thinks he can pull one over on you. He has no respect for you, not even enough to come up with a better excuse than "I'm bored". he might as well spit in your face.




He will not stop this, at all.


He is an as.shole, period.

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My ex did basically the same thing. She was unemployed at the time and I found out she was doing this same thing. Her excuse was that she was bored.


Holy hell did that ever piss me off. Bored?? Go out and find an effing job! The fact that her relieving her boredom was more important than my feelings and our relationship was an incredible kick to the groin.


When I said that to her, she was like "well I didn't think it'd be harmful cause I didn't think you'd find out"


Like seriously? This is how you're trying to patch things up? Are you retarded or just a bad person in general?

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Im sorry thats happened to you....me personally I do see that as cheating.....its not a case of your bf being bored....he either misses the thrill or the chase or is craving attention. One step away from full blow physical cheating

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Sending out feelers until one takes the bait. Then it WILL be cheating. He ain't cheating yet, not because he doesn't want to, but because he hasn't gotten that far yet.

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