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Book: What on Earth Am I Here For?

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Funny that we get put through a system of mass indoctrination when we are children going through the school system even today. Sure most of us are told by our parents to believe in whatever we want to believe in (apart from those born onto a family of extreme religious beliefs) but the fact remains that in religious education today they still try and force religious opinion down our throats. I mean whats a kid supposed to believe? Its only once we grow up into mature adults that we should be expected to think about religion analytically yet funnily enough many adults fail to do so and choose to blindly believe regardless.


Adults who live in fear are attracted to mostly to fear based religion. Fear is the basic form of insecurity. We fear what we can't see. It's true that we are living amongst members of society that spread religion through fear. The war of basically religion had been fought and is still being fought because of fear.


If we practice religion with love, then there wouldn't be any wars, sufferings and hatred. But humans love to embrace fear. All of us can overcome fear.

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You really think God ordered the destruction and genocide in ancient times? Perhaps it is the citizens who ordered their own death? But if he would not allow that, then there wouldn't be the fall of eve in the Garden of Eden and the fall of Lucifer and letting Satan join him and evil spirits on the fall. God himself has to respect the Law of Free Will and he had repeatly demonstrated in the fall of eve as well as Lucifer that he respects the free of will of his creations without restrictions and favourtism. If Lucifer wants to fall and Eve been deceived by the devil, God simply had to let that happen. For the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So now I understand you are so bitter. You see all these good intentions, good people doing them and good people in the end are suffering from them because God seemed to abandon them, neglected them etc.. Are you sure if this is not coming from the splinter of your own eye?!? We humans judge to a certain extent, usually through rose colored glasses. Our psychological imbalances create colored visions of what we perceive perhaps an injustice. But do we have all the facts? Do we all have the clear picture? If you don't, turn the other cheek.


Poor and rich is a relative term humans create. We are poor because we are expected to fulfill an American dream. Who set those dreams? There is no reference in the bible that Americans have to fulfill an American dream does it? So how can you blame God for something he did not set a standard upon.




Edited by happydate
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Can you only imagine all the naysayers saying that a youtube channel is a complete hoax? There will always be those who won't believe, even if God comes down and personally lifts them up above heaven and earth.


It's interesting that you say this, just yesterday was discussing this fact with a friend and it occurred to me that during the 1000 yr reign of Christ this very thing does happen. I realize there are variations and different interpretations concerning the Millenium, and it's been yrs since studying this, so most of this is from memory (very, very scary:eek:)- feel free to correct me:D


After the Trib Jesus creates a new heaven and new earth, Satan is in the pit bound ...I'm not sure if the demonic realm is bound though, but anyway, the Bible states that the lions and lambs cohabitate together meaning there is peace.


The people God stashed in Petra? Jordan? during the Trib are the people that escaped/survived the Trib and are used to repopulate the earth. Even with Jesus right there, this remnant of people seeing all of the Bible come to pass, many still reject Jesus.

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Adults who live in fear are attracted to mostly to fear based religion. Fear is the basic form of insecurity. We fear what we can't see. It's true that we are living amongst members of society that spread religion through fear. The war of basically religion had been fought and is still being fought because of fear.


If we practice religion with love, then there wouldn't be any wars, sufferings and hatred. But humans love to embrace fear. All of us can overcome fear.


HD, fear had dominion over my life for years, and I didn't even realize it dancing around the symptoms and not the root.


Fear is difficult to fight, one has to be completely fed up with fear- prayer and Scripture has really helped fight this plague- for God did not give a spirit of fear, but power, love and a sound mind. Along with this, I had to face some of my fears head on and deal with them. It hasn't been easy and is an ongoing process, but the root was identified which is half the battle.


HD, I'm almost a completely different person now- it's the thought process. Obviously this is something you've overcome- I'm at the brink, and an amazing way to live and really live.


I love how you integrate psychology with the Word, it's most helpful.

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You do, as do all christians. Actually, as do all of those who follow the Abrahamic religions. Why were you chosen? Why were you protected? Why did others suffer while you rejoiced, even if they shared the same belief? Infallible arguments do not solve this question.


Do you? Then why do you believe god blessed you? Why can you not answer why he hasn't blessed and protected others of your belief?


I suppose the difference is, is that this life is but a spec in comparison to eternity. Gods plan for me is different than another's, I don't claim to understand everything, every working of God and communicated that earlier stating that it is not logical to the natural man/mind. God's ways are not mine, nor mine His.


Because this life isn't "it" for believers, the thought process is much different. I'd first like to communicate that when believers say they are blessed, it's not meant to gloat or think of themselves as higher than another- Jesus died on the cross for ALL mankind- we are blessed because of Him and through Him. All have the choice to receive Him or not according to how I believe.


I completely understand what you are saying due to the fact that I have what's called survivors guilt due to my fiancée being murdered and not me. We were always together, those that murdered him waited for me NOT to be there and made sure I wasn't- I don't know why, it just wasn't my time.


You have no idea what I've been through, nor I you... I am here on this earth for a purpose for now and choose to focus on that and be grateful for the opportunity even though it would be so much easier to be with my Lord in heaven.

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Lol yes I got caught up in my answer and forget to respond to you asking me what I do to alleviate suffering.....for starters what the "hell"(again assuming hell exists) does my personal alleviation of the worlds suffering have to do with the existence of God? Correct answer=absolutely 100% nothing to do with the existence of God!


That wasn't the point I was trying to make. You seemed to say that if God exists, there wouldn't be suffering on earth.


But there is suffering on earth, and you seem to think there is no God. So WHY is there suffering at all? What is the point? What does it mean to you?


But I will answer you honestly anyway. What do I personally do to help people less fortunate than myself? Nothing, I don't do anything. I stuff my face with takeaway and alcohol on the weekends when people all over the world starve to death before suffering an awful fate at the hands of a religious moron who believes he will get to sleep with 70+ virgins once he reaches the afterlife(and don't you dare act as if you don't indulge yourself in your life cos quite frankly everyone who is fortunate enough to live in a half decent country has the opportunity to eat and live well). I do nothing because its pointless. Humans are dumb and we will never achieve world peace......50 years? 100 years? 200 years? WW3 West vs Middle East in the biggest conflict ever and with this a probable nuclear war.


Well, I admire your honesty, L1ght!!


You're right in that I also appreciate indulgences, at times. I've been in some difficult situations in life, and I think that helps me appreciate when I have something good going. But on the other hand, I've made acquaintance with so many who seem to be in pretty terrible situations. Sometimes it makes it hard to enjoy when I know so many others are suffering :(.


No one can force you to sell all of your possessions to try and end world hunger, or anything. But I think we all have the capacity to alleviate someone's suffering, no matter how "small" the act. Like not yelling at the waitress who brought the wrong order, or letting someone pass when driving down the road.


As far as being an atheist? I told you I am neither one way or the other, I absolutely have the capacity to believe in a higher power but until I see it for my own eyes in the realm we exist in then its impossible for me to put faith into the existence of any God. Same goes for Aliens.....there is as much reason to believe that we were put here by aliens as there is that we were put here by a higher power. Neither can be proven and both are disputed to equal levels. Nobody knows. You don't know. You really don't and the more you pretend you do know the more you are full of sh*t


Then to me, you are an atheist, at this point in time. Maybe a soft atheist.

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That wasn't the point I was trying to make. You seemed to say that if God exists, there wouldn't be suffering on earth.


But there is suffering on earth, and you seem to think there is no God. So WHY is there suffering at all? What is the point? What does it mean to you?




Well, I admire your honesty, L1ght!!


You're right in that I also appreciate indulgences, at times. I've been in some difficult situations in life, and I think that helps me appreciate when I have something good going. But on the other hand, I've made acquaintance with so many who seem to be in pretty terrible situations. Sometimes it makes it hard to enjoy when I know so many others are suffering :(.


No one can force you to sell all of your possessions to try and end world hunger, or anything. But I think we all have the capacity to alleviate someone's suffering, no matter how "small" the act. Like not yelling at the waitress who brought the wrong order, or letting someone pass when driving down the road.




Then to me, you are an atheist, at this point in time. Maybe a soft atheist.


Amen to this love! You know, I agonized, was depressed, didn't sleep and was in great torment over things out of my control concerning the things going on worldwide. A lot of wasted energy. I was trying to play God in essence. There was no peace.


Being miserable caused the people around me misery too, I wasn't rude very much, although I could have been making a difference in my kids, grandkids and others lives via joy and encouragement. Smiling and saying a kind word to those who work in service professions would be what God would want, also like you said not getting angry when mistakes are made in these professions...


Since God changed me, there has been major change in those around me, extraordinary growth- it's all Him, everything is Him:) ...and sometimes what seems small, can be the biggest miracles known to man.

Edited by pureinheart
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