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Revisiting the past


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Four years ago, I left the state I grew up in. I had lived there for my entire life (minus a year in Korea). I had been in an abusive marriage. My children and I were abused in every way you can imagine. It was awful. He was manic depressive, an alcoholic, and had been abused as a child.


My children and I were in counseling for months before we went into shelter, then we lived alone in the family home for months before I found out that he was suicidal, and might get visitation. I left. Three thousand miles between us, and I wasn't sure that was enough. We landed here, lived with a couple of families, continued counseling, and made a new life.


When I left my childhood home, I knew that there were some people I would never see again, and many have died. Now my mother is ill, and there are circumstances involving my stepfather that must be dealt with. My brother and his family paid for me to fly home.


I am excited to see my family, and nervous that I may run into him. My children are going to stay here with my fiance and our family (his family and very close friends). My son said flatly. "I am staying here with my real dad."


We have come such a long way. I want to encourage you that there is hope and abuse can be overcome.


Wish me luck and safety for my visit home?

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Bless your heart...you have had a hard time in life but look at you, such a survivor!! You have my best wishes, good luck and prayers that all will go well. I know even though the circumstances are a bit sad (your Mama being sick) that you are excited to visit your childhood home. Have a wonderful trip and please update us when you can!!


Take care!


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Best of luck on your trip! :love:


I thought your life was inspiring even before I read this. To think there is more. (What fabulous children and fiance you have!) Take care, be safe, and have a nice time with the rest of your family.


We'll be thinking of you,


Artifact ;)

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Vivi, Kookums and Arti,


Thank you so much for your kind words. I have worked really hard to get here, and support my children as they worked/work through this. I spoke recently in a women's psych class about my DV experience. The prof introduced me as a victim. The first thing I did was correct her. I am a statistic, and a survivor. Not a victim.


FYI did you know that 1 in 4 women in America will be affected by DV in their life times. When you look at international numbers it shifts to 1 in 3?


I am counting down the days right now. I get to hug my mama, annoy my big brother, and sit on the big front porch and swing swing swing!!!


Best of all, I get to come home to my family here.



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I'm happy you will be able to return home and see your family again.


I hope it is all that you want it to be.. be safe.

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Thanks Merin.


My actually expectations are low. Just to see my Mama, my Brother, and see a few of my favorite places. I have a safety plan, so I intend to remain pretty much under general radar.

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