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Hey Guys in your Late 20s!*** What do you look for in a Relationship???***

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What do guys in their late 20s usually seek in a relationship? Do they like older or younger women? Does age difference matter?


I'm turning 20 next year but lately I find myself usually get along better with guys in their late 20s, and find myself really attracted to one two of them too... One of them, who's turning 29 next month, seems to have very amicable feeling towards me in return too. I'm not planning on doing anything yet, after all it's just a very sweet feeling when we're around each other, but so, I'm wondering in general, what do men out there, who are in their late 20s, usually look for in a relationship and what do they feel about younger women? I want to make sure it's just not a sweet brotherly feeling before plunging any deeper...

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It is a logical fallacy to try to find out what the "general rule" is when clearly it is just one special case you are considering. This fellow is one of a kind, right? An individual? Or is he just a scoop of manhood out of the same carton as everyone else? If you want to know "...what men usually look for in a relationship and what...they feel about younger women...", in his case, you'd better ask him.

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I agree with Solemate. You really have to get to know the person. Then you will know what he/she wants. There is no general rule because everyone is different based on their personal experiences, backgrounds, vaules, and ect...

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Yeah... I see... Perhaps I should rephrase my question though, just in general, how much age difference matter?



So in my case, he and I seem to click pretty well; and particularly, he always gives me these very amicable gaze (i.e. looking into each others' eyes for like two, three seconds, smiling <--- isn't that kinda strange? and so got me thinking...); similar favorite activities; suggests and find chance to talk to me even when others are around (though somehow may not want to seem too obvious, like if someone else is there in the same room, he asks me less questions.); went on a short trip together etc.etc.


Only that we have like ten years age difference, and we don't go to the same school... and he still has this girl that he's sorta seeing, but he told me also that they had broken up, and the girl just came back to him, but she still said they were just friends, and he also told me that they hadn't had sex in a long time, (that was early when we met, we didn't talk about these stuff later on), but really, he is such a nice guy, great personality, very caring... (and that I'm not sure if it's just caring like a big brother or anything more...) But so I just got kinda interested...

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I really think it depends on the person. I am 28 and can say I probably would not be interested in dating someone 8-10 years younger than me. I think the lack of life experiences for the younger person would make it difficult for us to relate. That is just me though.

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