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problems talking to mates

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hey there.i have something to run pass you guys.


the problem came up last night when i was at a party and sitting with my friends,i didnt have much to say.if you have seen my past posts,they have been quite similar.


well,i have been thinking about it and i seem to have found an answer......but no solution.basically,since sll of my female friends go to another school(we have separate girls and boys schools)i dont share much of the experiences of daily life with them.coupled with the fact that its difficult for me to talk to them as im quite busy person these days,i find things in common difficult.i believe it to be quite an achievement that im as good friends as i am with them as we dont spend much time together.


anyway,im just wondering if anyone has any input on this.its not as if i would bother on this much....except thay were great to me at a difficult time and they are a great bunch of people.they do make me laugh and a good company.


basicaly,i just want to be more talkative around them.thats the main problem.would texting them more regularly be better?i do talk to some on the net(MSN) but not all have internet.


just want some suggestions and opinion please.

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I don't think you necessarily need to share common experiences, although those conversation topics work well because you both can relate. There are other things you can converse about. People like talking about themselves and things they are interested in, so just pick up on and remember what each of your mates is interested in. If one mentions a certain footall team often, then chances are they would enjoy discussing the upcoming match this weekend. If one mentions a certain class they like or hate, next time you talk, you can ask about that class. When you talk about them and what they are interested in, they will ask you about yourself and your interests too. You don't have to be taking the same class or have watched the same movie to carry on a conversation. Just show interest in them and they will do the same for you. Once you have good conversations going, then you may find some common interests and then can talk about them as well.


It's up to you whether you want to text or email or chat on the internet. If you feel like it, go ahead and do it. It will keep you up to date with what's new with them. That may give you something to talk about next time you see them in person.

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