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What do you think happened?

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I was 17 and talked to a guy on the DL that was 21, because of the whole age thing. Also, because he was a jr. in college (an hour away) and I was a junior in HS. We liked each other and literally talked all day almost everyday. We talked for 5mo., but eventually had to cut ties for 3mo. because of so much drama. He would be very manipulative, he would act like a player, and I couldn't trust him because he would lie too much. My parents are really strict, I wasn't allowed to date, but I met this guy, had my first kiss and in the end had sex with him. I thought I loved him, he told me loved me too later on when we talked but judging by actions it was hard to believe him. But was heartbroken in the end. So for 3mo. I had him blocked on fb. Then we started talking as just friends for a month...I saw pics of him and this girl from college on his fb but wasn't sure if they were dating or not. Summer break just began and I do know that she lived in a city 2.5hr away and for ex. Had driven twice in a wk to come see him, so they def. had to be talking pretty heavy! We hungout for the first time in several months, he held my hand the whole evening, shortly after I greeted him he accidentally kissed me while I was talking, but by the end of the night we screwed up and had sex with each other. Afterwards we both agreed that it shouldn't have happened, though when he dropped me off that night, he wanted to kiss me one last time. And he ended up kissing me 3x before I got out the car. He also said that he wanted to hangout the next wk. But a couple days later after NC he blocks me on fb and I find out that him and that girl were dating. So we didn't speak for another 3mo. He blocked me, and I found a way to block him as well while being blocked. And I know it sounds crazy, but I do know that he cares about me. We've been through a lot, I could talk to him about anything, and he can be really sweet and endearing at times. Well, after 3mo. I unblocked him and noticed that he already had me unblocked. We became fb friends, I see over 100photos of him and his gf, they're practically in love with each other (he's not about PDA either). I liked a link on his wall, the guy who posted it adds me as a friend, then likes my profile pic. My ex (we pretty much dated) and I were messaging and at first he was talking about wanting us to hangout, then he mentioned the guy...saying that it was his bestfriend/roommate. This same guy followed me on Instagram the next day for several hr., then unfollowed me. Then days later I see that he unliked my profile pic. on fb. And I know it wasn't accidentally like because it was there for a day or 2. What do you think happened?? I feel like my ex had to have said something. I feel like he could be cockblocking just a little bit I still care about him a lot, but what do you think happened?

Edited by Coexist7
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My ex and I just became fb friends and all of a sudden after liking a link on his wall that his friend posted, that friend requested me on fb. Then when I accepted he liked my profile pic. My ex and I, who were speaking for the first time in months and he mentioned that he saw that I became fb friends with his bestfriend/roommate. He said that his friend said that I added him when really he requested me, but that's besides the point lol. Then the next day his friend followed me on Instagram..I didn't follow back. Then several hours later he unfollows me and I notice a few days later that he unliked my pic on fb. I thought his friend was cute and was interested, but judging by my exes attitude when we were talking (he's sneaky at times) and the sudden weirdness of his friend it seems like my ex could be cockblocking..? And by the way, my ex has been in a relationship with this one girl for a few months now and seems very much into her. That's why we stopped talking each other initially, I didn't know they were dating, we tried to hangout as friends 3months ago, and he cheated on her. She has no idea though which still bothers me honestly.

Edited by Coexist7
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