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I've got no charisma!


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A short story of my past few days ...


Last friday I met a girl and scored. We go to high school together and I live at the boarding school. I'm 17 and she's 16.


We kissed a lot, but later that evening she told me that she liked another guy, but she still wanted me to be her friend. I was okay with it, just dissappointed.


Next day, she came to my room (she was spending the weekend at the boarding school at a friend) and apoligized for being rude to me.


The next day she told me that she didn't like that other guy at all, she though I was sweet and but she didn't know me at all (which is true) and wanted to get to know me better.


Here's my problem:


I've got no charisma! She doesn't live at the boarding school and she's not in my class, so I don't have any excuse to get to talk to her! What do I do?


I'm not the kind of guy who can just walk up to a girl and talk to her. In fact I'm a virgin and I haven't been in a relationsship.


I've got no idea what I should do to spend time with her, what I should tell her, how to make the next move ('cause I know she's expecting me to do so), because i'm totally inexperienced.


I know I like her though, and that she likes me.



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Just be yourself , take it as it comes if you want to kiss her ask, do hold her hand ,give her a big hug when you see her, ask for her phone # , or e-mail, tell her you would like to take her out over the the weekend , if she can't ask her for the next one, make plans and arrangements for you to see her , take her to dinner, or to lunch , to a movie, or whatever you young people like to do ,and above all listen to her ,respect her, and make it known that you enjoy being with her. Take it slow.


good luck !

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You do have charisma! If you didn't, this little lady would not have been kissing you.


So you've never had a relationship before? Well, you have one now. Everyone has to start somewhere. Keep in mind that this is probably just as new to her as it is to you. It's not like you are going to be dating someone with tons of experience. As with all other aspects of life, this will be a learning experience for you (and her too). You can expect to make some mistakes along the way. So what! You are human! You are entitled to make plenty of mistakes in life.


Try to think of things you like to do, or better yet, things you've never done before but you would like to do if you had someone to go with you. Then, invite her to join you. Treat her as you would treat a friend, talk to her as you would talk to a friend.

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Don't try too hard to impress her and just show interest in what she has to say. You can create a conversation around something she says. Ask her what her favorite hobbies are and then discuss them with her. Showing interest in the other person instead of trying to be a fascinating person is a good approach.

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bobby Dygytul

You wrote:

"Last friday I met a girl and scored."


You also wrote:

"In fact I'm a virgin and I haven't been in a relationsship.

How can you score with this chick and still be a virgin?

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