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Engaged Female played me?

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Got a question, and Ill make it quick:


I met a girl @ 1 of my part time jobs about a month ago, she was engaged and w/ her BF for 3 years, who lives in her home town (different town than she lives now.) I did some flirting but to make a long story short, things progressed- but I always let her make the first move. We had sex a couple times and she said she was breaking up with her BF back home, (I wasn’t hoping on it)- and told me when it was over. We would hang out, I would take her out, and I mentioned a couple times to her that I could give her space if she wanted to "get over" her BF, she said "No, it will make things worse." I never really pressured her into hanging out, and kind of made her call me if she wanted to do something. But when we went out I paid and made it a good night. I was seeing some other girls at the time so wasn’t real concerned with the relationship.


Last week we went out and she stopped the sex before it started, and after she got back from Thanksgiving @ home, She didn’t even try to kiss goodbye. She hasn’t called me after that night either, I told her to "Call me when she feels like hanging out" after we talked about the situation she was in. I also told her I didn’t "want to hang out with her if she was upset all the time, but I had fun . "


I can only think of 1 explanation- She has got back with her boyfriend.


I’m very curious as to this behavior and here is the questions? Do girls become attracted to men for 3 weeks than just instantly loose attraction (seeing no major event happened). Do you think it was the BF that drove her off? Did she just need to know other men are out there?


I’m not being cocky, but I am a pretty good catch to a majority of females and have confidence based on my success in life. She is currently making her way through college with dead-end jobs. Her BF is a country boy mechanic.

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Hmm.. Me thinks she never broke things off with her BF to begin with.


It sounds that she's had a LDR with him for some time.. you came along, he wasn't around..


More than likely when she saw him she had a lot of guilt and has now decided to behave as if nothing had ever happened between the two of you.. my guess as well.. her Fiance' has zero idea of what she's been up to, and she intends to keep it that way.

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So you start off by horsing around with a girl you know is engaged to someone......having sex with her but don't really care because you're seeing other girls on the side. And now you're all bent out of shape because you think you've been played? If anyone's been played here, it's been her poor fiance.

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I think she was using you for some side jollies. I'm not even sure it counts as "playing" you, because it sounds like she didn't have to feed you any stories or promises to get you into bed. She asked...you delivered...no promises requested or made...now it's over...c'est la vie.


Do girls become attracted to men for 3 weeks than just instantly lose attraction?

The attraction/repulsion balance can change quickly, depending on how things are going with the country boy mechanic.


Do you think it was the BF that drove her off?

Yes, it is quite likely that she ran back to him. Sounds like he is her #1 "most" of the time.


Did she just need to know other men are out there?

Maybe...just goofing around...enjoying the pelasures that you were able to provide.


I’m not being cocky, but I am a pretty good catch to a majority of females and have confidence based on my success in life. She is currently making her way through college with dead-end jobs. Her BF is a country boy mechanic.

OK, sounds like you can do better than her, so why not hold out for what you really want? And don't jump into bed expecting anything more than 1 night of sex unless you've at least discussed it first.

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