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stood up last night

Ordinary Average Guy

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Ordinary Average Guy

this girl stood me up for dinner last night. Didn't call or anything. I called her home and got nothing except my name on her caller ID. I really liked her but this is just way too rude.

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So you want to know what to do, right? Do nothing. Anyone who would do that is taking an immature and easy way out. If she didn't want to det involved with you or whatever the reason is, she owes it you to tell you. That is very disrespectful and you owe it to yourself to find someone more deserving of your companionship. But, I guess you have to do what your heart tells you--you'll know what to do.

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Interesting you should bring this up. This sort of thing seems to have become epidemic in recent years. I don't understand it. I'm a bit older than you and in my day when a girl committed to going out, you could take her word to the bank.


Now guys stand girls up just as much as girls stand guys up...just want to be fair here.


These days, some of these girls are either on drugs, don't remember what they say, make a number of dates for the same night and pick the best one, or just don't really care. It's seems so odd to me, like behavior from another planet. When I was younger, they called this a generation gap but at that time I was at the younger end of the gap.


I'm really sorry this has to be. From my perspective, people overall don't keep their word like they used to. They just say and do whatever is convenient for them at the time.


But there are a lot of terrific ladies who do keep their word and do call when they say. You just got one of those odd ones.


Now, if you really want to get deep here, we could conclude that you really weren't meant to go out with her in the grand scheme of things. It just wasn't in the cards. Maybe something terrible would have happened had she not stood you up. Maybe you would have gotten food poisoning at dinner. There may be a lot of good reasons why the man upstairs kept this from happening.


The most obvious reason, of course, is that you don't need a slimey, worthless, lying lowlife, irresponsible, inconsiderate, sleezebag in your life right now. Life is too short.


See how great things work out sometimes.

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There is really no excuse for this. Even if she was sick she could have called you to let you know she wouldn't make it. Don't bother calling her to find out where she was or why she did not make it. She does not deserve the consideration.


I was once infatuated with a guy who just couldn't remember the dates he made with me. I waited for him out in the snow and rain (he asked me to meet him in a certain place outside) for hours and he did not show. I called him (being an unknowing fool at the time) and he said he had completely forgotten. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I thought he was such a great guy.l I accepted another date with him, and guess what--- he did it again!


As charming as he seemed, he was a self-centered, thoughtless person upon whom I was projecting qualities that he really did not have but I wished he did.


So even though it hurts, you have weeded out one more person that is not right for you on your way to finding a fulfilling relationship.

Interesting you should bring this up. This sort of thing seems to have become epidemic in recent years. I don't understand it. I'm a bit older than you and in my day when a girl committed to going out, you could take her word to the bank.


Now guys stand girls up just as much as girls stand guys up...just want to be fair here. These days, some of these girls are either on drugs, don't remember what they say, make a number of dates for the same night and pick the best one, or just don't really care. It's seems so odd to me, like behavior from another planet. When I was younger, they called this a generation gap but at that time I was at the younger end of the gap. I'm really sorry this has to be. From my perspective, people overall don't keep their word like they used to. They just say and do whatever is convenient for them at the time. But there are a lot of terrific ladies who do keep their word and do call when they say. You just got one of those odd ones. Now, if you really want to get deep here, we could conclude that you really weren't meant to go out with her in the grand scheme of things. It just wasn't in the cards. Maybe something terrible would have happened had she not stood you up. Maybe you would have gotten food poisoning at dinner. There may be a lot of good reasons why the man upstairs kept this from happening. The most obvious reason, of course, is that you don't need a slimey, worthless, lying lowlife, irresponsible, inconsiderate, sleezebag in your life right now. Life is too short. See how great things work out sometimes.


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