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Is it worth it getting a hair transplant?

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I know its expensive as hell and could hurt but im balding in the back and middle of my head and im really insecure about it..I really dont have much going for me physcially at all and losing my hair now might be the death blow lol


HAS anyone gone through with it? Did it work? im worried that it might look ridicuolous

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You should use Rogaine (generic name is minoxidil) which is specifically for male pattern baldness like yours. You might not need a hair transplant for a while. Helluva lot cheaper and painless, too. At the very least it should stop the hair from falling out any more and you might even grow some back. Also take Viviscal Extra Strength tablets (if you aren't allergic to shellfish).

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How thin is it? There are other options than rogaine as well that supposedly work well that I'm consider. My worry is some of the side effects of these products, though....

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brains and brawn

i think its worth it, i wanna do one myself in the future, im currently balding in the back, its a round spot on the back of my head, if i comb my hair correctly, you could hardly tell. My dad did it and he looks fine, you can still see some thinning but it beats being fully bald, i was also thinking about buying the fiber powder thing called caboki, its like a powder that you sprinkle on the bald spot and you cant tell you have a bald spot.

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I know its expensive as hell and could hurt but im balding in the back and middle of my head and im really insecure about it..I really dont have much going for me physcially at all and losing my hair now might be the death blow lol


What the hell. If it makes you feel better about yourself, why not?

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Do what you want... I started losing my hair at age 23, and now I'm 95% bald by 29. I just get a buzz cut every few weeks, hasn't stopped me from dating.

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i think its worth it, i wanna do one myself in the future, im currently balding in the back, its a round spot on the back of my head, if i comb my hair correctly, you could hardly tell. i was also thinking about buying the fiber powder thing called caboki, its like a powder that you sprinkle on the bald spot and you cant tell you have a bald spot.


If you start using Rogaine now to stop further hair loss, you will need fewer plugs in a transplant later on and so save some money. You may not need transplants at all. Don't use powder on your bald spot. People will just laugh at you because you can see it close up, which is what you want a woman to see, right?


Get a part time job and put that extra money away in a savings account so you don't touch it. Later on if you decide you don't want a transplant, at least you will have a few thousand dollars to play with.

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