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Sorry, just a little vent....


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So everything I read says it's bad to hold the anger in, and being a Christian, I definitely hold all my anger inside because I've been taught that expressing it is wrong... so perhaps doing so anonymously would be alright... so here goes....


I am so pissed that an idiot going through a mid-life crisis decided that he wanted me as his next target. Yes, I know I'm young, and still a little insecure,naive, and perhaps a bit immature for my age, but that should have been a reason to stay the heff away from me. For goodness sakes, you have a daughter that is close to my age! Imagine someone doing what you did too me to your daughter!! Of course, actually you wouldn't care all that much would you? Your life is all about YOU. Your ex wife wasn't the narcissist as you claimed. YOU are the narcissist! I met her and she's actually quite normal! She didn't exhibit ANY of the qualities you claimed she had. And now I see that YOU in fact exhibit ALL the qualities of a person who constantly needs praise and attention. If a person is not doing that for you, you deem them as unecessary and throw them away.


Now that I look back on everything... I realize that I LET you make me feel this way. I allowed it... and I made wrong decisions by letting you back in my life. I hate you, you digusting prideful pig. I want you to know that I'm not the only one that thinks that about you. I've actually had a few people make that cringe-y face when I told them we were together. I'm just kicking myself because I gave you a chance... huge mistake. Just know that it will all come back to bite you in the end. You seem happy and prideful now. But pride comes before a fall... and you will definitely fall. And when you do, I will be the one who says smiles and walks away.

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