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Ultimatums - hold to 'em or quit bitching!

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This thread is probably self explanatory.


Don't give out an ultimatum that you can't stick to. If you can't suck it up and deal with the actions that you've promised to give, then quit giving ultimatums. No one will ever believe any other ultimatum that you give again!


If you can't suck it up and follow through, don't give an ultimatum! No one wants to be threatened with fake-a$$ ultimatums. If you say you're going to do it, DO IT.


And don't bitch when you didn't follow through and they're still acting like an assclown. You did it to yourself!


Keep your word or your word is no good.



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Originally posted by tiki

they're still acting like an assclown.




STOP acting like an assclown or we are sooooo done!


I'm adding assclown to my dictionary now, thanks Tiki!

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I am guilty of this. Well at least before, 'cause now if I say it I mean it!!! :mad: I learned that after you BS and give an ultimatum and don't go through with it the next time around they don't take you seriously anymore.

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ultimates have different contexts....and I dont know what your situation is...but I dont believe theys work when you impose on to others.....no one likes to be controlled....or feel like they are controlled.....


I find that communitcation...and COMPROMISE works best in those situations...





but as for sticking to a SELF ultimatimun or decision.....someone posted this somewhere else, but I find the words of Joda fit well here:


"DO OR DO NOT....there is no TRY!"

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Originally posted by Stone

This is also true when it comes to parenting... if you tell a kid their grounded... you better stick to it ;)


aaahh sh*t...


OK, I;m guilty too :o


my little girl is so good at getting away with things......so is my lil boy......why do they have that power to break me! :mad:

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HAHA Guilty here to :laugh: but it's so so true you must follow thru in all situations I guess that's where "a man of his word" comes from

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What about bluffing? Is that still allowed?



Bad plan. If your bluff is called, you end up hooped. Bluffing's good for poker. Otherwise, it's game-playing and you can end up the loser.

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This applies to my situation as well. I did stick to it this time and will continue to do so...it's hard when you say it's over then you question what you've done...being able to have people help you put things into perspective can help one become stronger and more affirmed in your choice...(in my case anyway).



Thanks Tiki for your great advice and though I'm not sure who this post is aimed at I appreciate your advice and everyone else's in helping me see I made the right choice the best one I could have possibley made for myself.


(sorry this was off topic)

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No prob Barby, it wasn't aimed at you. :) It was just in general...then we got to talking about it yesterday.


When you give an ultimatum, and don't uphold it, it lets off mixed signals. Never a good thing to have mixed signals upon receipt of a demand!

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