MrCastle Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Because when you elminate all that what it comes down to on tinder is what you look like and for some of us that isnt a good thing lol As ive said ive "liked" every women on there and still no responses Well OLD in any form is going to be looks based. That's just how it is. I believe though that if you put in effort and take quality pictures, ask female friends which shots of you they think look best, etc, you can maximize your potential. But looks are not the be all end all in OLD, yes they are a big part of it -- but people get ruled out for tons of stuff within their profile. I mentioned height and income, but even stuff like whether you're a smoker or not, your interests, your lifestyle choices, etc. As I understand it, both men and women alike understand Tinder is for casual purposes, so the requirements are not as strict. It's basically two people finding mutual attraction to one another and hooking up. Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 So this uses your facebook pics and stuff right? You don't create an actual page with your stats and stuff? As in, you don't list your height or your income or whatnot? Why are men not collectively dancing in the streets? Because it's even more shallow than normal OLD. At least there, a guy who isn't really good looking could have a killer profile that would be enough to get women interested. With Tinder, the only thing that matters is your looks. Link to post Share on other sites
maiden of rohan Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 ROFL!!! You make it seem like age is super important in casual sex. There are women out there who are getting conned for a lot worse than how old the guy is. Never mind that I'm most likely not good looking enough for anybody to want to meet me from Tinder in the first place. How would you feel if a girl posted old pictures of herself displaying herself as a slim, pretty attractive blond? Then when you meet her she's actually overweight, and not all that attractive? But it's OK, it's just looks, there are way worse ways to con a guy than that! Yes, age is a factor in casual sex. It's a factor in a lot of things. The fact that you'd even conceive of conning someone to get into their pants in such a blatant way is Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 How would you feel if a girl posted old pictures of herself displaying herself as a slim, pretty attractive blond? Then when you meet her she's actually overweight, and not all that attractive? But it's OK, it's just looks, there are way worse ways to con a guy than that! Yes, age is a factor in casual sex. It's a factor in a lot of things. The fact that you'd even conceive of conning someone to get into their pants in such a blatant way is Are you seriously equating lying about my age with somebody completely misrepresenting how they look? Link to post Share on other sites
MrCastle Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Because it's even more shallow than normal OLD. At least there, a guy who isn't really good looking could have a killer profile that would be enough to get women interested. With Tinder, the only thing that matters is your looks. Yeah I'll agree that it's more looks based but it's still leagues above regular OLD from the outside looking in. In regular OLD you can get ruled out for any number of things. On Tinder, they're either attracted to you, or they're not. You don't have to spend time crafting a well written profile for nothing, nor do you spend time thinking of witty openers to send to women who won't even end up responding. This is as simple as it gets -- if both of you swipe, you know you find each other attractive. That's awesome. I'd rather swipe her and not get swiped back then spend time reading a girl's profile, come up with a unique line to get her attention, and get ignored. OLD will never be perfect and I'll always advocate that people, more specifically men, stick to real life, because the power women have in OLD is criminal -- BUT - if you refuse to give up OLD completely and want something else to supplement your real life, this is probably your best bet. Again, if you're looking for something casual that is. Both sexes as I mentioned seem to be on board that it's a hook up app and not much else. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
maiden of rohan Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Are you seriously equating lying about my age with somebody completely misrepresenting how they look? Please tell me how they are different. Both are misrepresentations of who you are. Both are lies. At least with the looks one, you'd find out before you even slept together. With your plan, she'd find out after the deed is done. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
clia Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Are you seriously equating lying about my age with somebody completely misrepresenting how they look? Why is it different? Both are lies. Given what you are going through now with your break-up, I'm actually surprised that you would purposely put yourself into a situation that is almost certain to get you dumped. Lying about your age by 7 years is a huge lie. Most women will not stick around when they found out you told such a lie in order to get them in bed. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
MrCastle Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Um, I'm not sure lying about your age is the same as misrepresenting yourself in pictures. People lie about their age all the time. Not that I'm condoning it, but still. SD my advice to you in terms of that is to wear your age proudly. Don't get it in your head that girls in their early 20s won't date men in their 30s. It feels like every week there's a different girl on here whose 23 and banging some 42 year old divorced guy. Plenty of women are into older men. And besides, age isn't significant anyway unless it's a huge gap. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
fortyninethousand322 Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Yeah I'll agree that it's more looks based but it's still leagues above regular OLD from the outside looking in. In regular OLD you can get ruled out for any number of things. On Tinder, they're either attracted to you, or they're not. You don't have to spend time crafting a well written profile for nothing, nor do you spend time thinking of witty openers to send to women who won't even end up responding. This is as simple as it gets -- if both of you swipe, you know you find each other attractive. That's awesome. I'd rather swipe her and not get swiped back then spend time reading a girl's profile, come up with a unique line to get her attention, and get ignored. OLD will never be perfect and I'll always advocate that people, more specifically men, stick to real life, because the power women have in OLD is criminal -- BUT - if you refuse to give up OLD completely and want something else to supplement your real life, this is probably your best bet. Again, if you're looking for something casual that is. Both sexes as I mentioned seem to be on board that it's a hook up app and not much else. Exactly. In terms of investment, it's really low. So, if you end up getting the same results you do from other sites, it's actually a much better avenue than regular OLD. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
MrCastle Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Exactly. In terms of investment, it's really low. So, if you end up getting the same results you do from other sites, it's actually a much better avenue than regular OLD. That's why I think it's better. Less time wasted, less emotional investment. I'd rather "Oh, pretty girl. Let me swipe. Oh she didn't swipe back. Alright next girl," over "Hey it says here she watches Big Bang Theory. Perfect. I'm gonna open with a classic line from the show. She'll definitely get the reference. She's totally gonna answer. Alright let me send this to her," and not get a reply back. In that time I could have swiped at least another 15 or so women if not more. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
RonaldS Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Wow. I think I might concede that this is the best way to go about OLD for a man. I'm still anti-OLD but if a man looking for casual dating is gonna do it, this is how you go about it. You don't even message them initially, you just swipe and if they swiped you back, then you write something. So your energy is not being spent sending messages to girls who have no interest in you. Interesting stuff. Very interesting. It's shooting fish in a barrel. And I've said this before re: Tinder. It's actually far more natural and organic than any other OLD. More like real life. When you meet people IRL, that meeting is typically initiated by attraction in some form based on appearance/style/liking the same thing. At that point, two people start talking, and things go from there. In OLD, you have a profile with typically far too much information. You know the person before you meet them. I never liked that. Tinder is more like seeing a cute girl out and saying 'I want to talk to that girl'. If she gives certain good feedback, you make your move. That's essentially how Tinder works. It's great. And I don't know what the answer is for guys who don't think they're good looking and can't get girls to like them. I guess if that's the case, then dating is going to be a challenge no matter what. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
RonaldS Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Um, I'm not sure lying about your age is the same as misrepresenting yourself in pictures. People lie about their age all the time. Not that I'm condoning it, but still. SD my advice to you in terms of that is to wear your age proudly. Don't get it in your head that girls in their early 20s won't date men in their 30s. It feels like every week there's a different girl on here whose 23 and banging some 42 year old divorced guy. Plenty of women are into older men. And besides, age isn't significant anyway unless it's a huge gap. True. I'm 39 and it says 39 on my Tinder profile. And at least 1/2 of the women I've matched with are between 24-29. And cute/hot. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
hasaquestion Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 I'm dating a girl I met on Tinder. It happens. I've used it alot since I travel for work and don't know people in many places. If you put a picture that doesn't "represent you", or lie about your age, you're doing yourself a disservice. Because when you get "found out" while meeting for coffee, its your own time you're wasting. Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Um, I'm not sure lying about your age is the same as misrepresenting yourself in pictures. People lie about their age all the time. Not that I'm condoning it, but still. SD my advice to you in terms of that is to wear your age proudly. Don't get it in your head that girls in their early 20s won't date men in their 30s. It feels like every week there's a different girl on here whose 23 and banging some 42 year old divorced guy. Plenty of women are into older men. And besides, age isn't significant anyway unless it's a huge gap. Lying about my age on Tinder is just to get past the women who would instantly write me off just because of my age without knowing anything about me. If I met a girl in real life, I'll tell her my age. Basically I'm doing everything I can to get that first meeting. Link to post Share on other sites
RonaldS Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Lying about my age on Tinder is just to get past the women who would instantly write me off just because of my age without knowing anything about me. If I met a girl in real life, I'll tell her my age. Basically I'm doing everything I can to get that first meeting. Well, if she shows up as a potential match, it's because you fall into the age range she has put into her settings. So, she is actively seeking guys your age. Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Well, if she shows up as a potential match, it's because you fall into the age range she has put into her settings. So, she is actively seeking guys your age. True. But I'm assuming most women 19-25, don't include men 30 or older in their potential match range. Link to post Share on other sites
RonaldS Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 True. But I'm assuming most women 19-25, don't include men 30 or older in their potential match range. Are you kidding? Again, I'm 39. I'm not going to go count, but I probably have at least 60 matches who are younger than 25. My lower limit is 24. Hold on....I'll go change my settings down to 19 and see what pops up. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
MrTurk Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Are you kidding? Again, I'm 39. I'm not going to go count, but I probably have at least 60 matches who are younger than 25. My lower limit is 24. Hold on....I'll go change my settings down to 19 and see what pops up. Again.....HOW MANY MATCHES you get means nothing! Try sending a message to those young girls....and see how many are spam bots......I get that all the time. The bot will never message you first.....but when you message it, it replies with a link to "her website". There are a ton of people just hitting "like" all the time.....more than you realize. Just because you get a match, doesnt mean they want anything to do with you. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Again.....HOW MANY MATCHES you get means nothing! Try sending a message to those young girls....and see how many are spam bots......I get that all the time. The bot will never message you first.....but when you message it, it replies with a link to "her website". There are a ton of people just hitting "like" all the time.....more than you realize. Just because you get a match, doesnt mean they want anything to do with you. One thing I realized is that a spam bot will instantly match with you. That's a dead give away as that will never happen with a real woman. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
RonaldS Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Again.....HOW MANY MATCHES you get means nothing! Try sending a message to those young girls....and see how many are spam bots......I get that all the time. The bot will never message you first.....but when you message it, it replies with a link to "her website". There are a ton of people just hitting "like" all the time.....more than you realize. Just because you get a match, doesnt mean they want anything to do with you. What would you say if several of those 24 year old girls messaged me first, with comments specific to my profile? Holy crap, I'm not new here. Link to post Share on other sites
Anela Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Lying about my age on Tinder is just to get past the women who would instantly write me off just because of my age without knowing anything about me. If I met a girl in real life, I'll tell her my age. Basically I'm doing everything I can to get that first meeting. I think it would be healthier for you to date someone closer to your age. You aren't the typical older man that younger women flock to - and you need to sort out your anger issues first. No woman is going to want to deal with that. What if you argue? Those girls are going to want to go out, and they won't want to be the only friend that you have. They're going to have their own interests, and your ex was most likely seeing friends, and doing other things when she wasn't with you, right? You need to inch out of your comfort zone - as you do that, you start to feel better about certain things, just because you find you can handle something that you weren't so sure about - something that may have scared you. And if you keep going for those younger women, with the idea that they're at the same maturity level as you are, you're going to fail - they're going to grow and dump you, if you show no signs of growth. A woman closer to your age might be more patient with you, but you will also need to make some effort regarding that comfort zone. 5 Link to post Share on other sites
organizedchaos Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Again.....HOW MANY MATCHES you get means nothing! Try sending a message to those young girls....and see how many are spam bots......I get that all the time. The bot will never message you first.....but when you message it, it replies with a link to "her website". There are a ton of people just hitting "like" all the time.....more than you realize. Just because you get a match, doesnt mean they want anything to do with you. Zero spam bots in 3 months. Tons of matches, many dates. Link to post Share on other sites
organizedchaos Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 I think it would be healthier for you to date someone closer to your age. You aren't the typical older man that younger women flock to - and you need to sort out your anger issues first. No woman is going to want to deal with that. What if you argue? Those girls are going to want to go out, and they won't want to be the only friend that you have. They're going to have their own interests, and your ex was most likely seeing friends, and doing other things when she wasn't with you, right? You need to inch out of your comfort zone - as you do that, you start to feel better about certain things, just because you find you can handle something that you weren't so sure about - something that may have scared you. And if you keep going for those younger women, with the idea that they're at the same maturity level as you are, you're going to fail - they're going to grow and dump you, if you show no signs of growth. A woman closer to your age might be more patient with you, but you will also need to make some effort regarding that comfort zone. Well said. But will fall on deaf ears. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
PJKino Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 Still no matches while my good lookign friend in the same time span has 47 lol this is all about looks,not that real life is much different 1 Link to post Share on other sites
somedude81 Posted February 18, 2014 Share Posted February 18, 2014 I think it would be healthier for you to date someone closer to your age. You aren't the typical older man that younger women flock to - and you need to sort out your anger issues first. No woman is going to want to deal with that. What if you argue? Those girls are going to want to go out, and they won't want to be the only friend that you have. They're going to have their own interests, and your ex was most likely seeing friends, and doing other things when she wasn't with you, right? You need to inch out of your comfort zone - as you do that, you start to feel better about certain things, just because you find you can handle something that you weren't so sure about - something that may have scared you. And if you keep going for those younger women, with the idea that they're at the same maturity level as you are, you're going to fail - they're going to grow and dump you, if you show no signs of growth. A woman closer to your age might be more patient with you, but you will also need to make some effort regarding that comfort zone. Please repost this in one of the threads I made. There is one in "In search of" I'm not going to turn this thread into a somedude dating advice thread. Link to post Share on other sites
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