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Ok...So here's the deal. I am 22 years old. I moved back in with my parents two months ago. I get this call from my mother and she says that I am "not allowed" to have my boyfriend in my room after 9:30 p.m. anymore because we were loud last night. First of all, My boyfriend was not even over last night....it was my sister and her boyfriend making all of the noise. Second, My mother treats me like I am a child. I understand that I am living in her house and I must adhere to her rules, but sometimes the rules are juvenile and meant for a 3 year old. My boyfriend and I are not loud. We sit in my room and watch movies. I think that it should be okay for us to do that, but she doesn't. How do I approach her about this? How do I get her to see that I am not a child? I want to get her to see my point of view with a an arguement, but she doesn't listen to me. It's her way or no way. Please respond. Thanks.

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You're lucky! When I lived at home (I moved out at the age of 20), I wasn't even allowed to have my boyfriend step FOOT in my bedroom LOL


Perhaps it's got nothing really to do with 'the noise'....maybe your Mom, like many parents, feels uncomfortable with her daughter and her boyfriend being alone in the bedroom. Maybe that's the bottom line? Can you kind of understand why she might feel like this?


Unfortunately, while you're living under her roof, you have 3 choices:


1) sit down and talk to her about this rule, try to get to the bottom of why she feels this way. Does she need assurance that you and b/f aren't going to 'have sex'? What if you were to tell her that you'd keep the bedroom door open at all times?


2) abide by, and respect her wishes and rules


3) work hard, save up and find your own place, where you can do as you please.



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Thats Life , you need her and you should respect what she says, but all rules should apply to all fairly, and if you feel that she is treating you like a child then stop acting like one. Sit down with her as an adult , respectfully and talk it out. Try to picture yourself in her shoes as a mother its her job to set guide lines to help mold you and help you set standards for your self , if all you are doing is watching tv , do it in the den , not in your bedroom.




Don't let something like this drive you apart .


talk and more importantly listen :)

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I hate to tell you, but you are an adult,,,,, I dont' know why you are living at your Mothers house anyway....


Get a job, go to school, find a couple of roommates, etc. Other people do it and so can you. It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong, until you live in your mothers house or anyone elses house, she is allowed to make up the rules.


Grow up, get your own apartment, if you can't afford it, go to a not so hot neighborhood, get a couple of roommates....


Then you can live your life by your own rules.

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