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What am I doing wrong?


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Alright someone tell me what Im doing wrong in this picture!!! This girl that I have liked since the beginning of time and I have started talking and been talking about a month now. We are really close and I havent asked anything of her. The other night was the first kiss and it felt good to have waited that long. But then the next night hit and she says she doesnt know what she feels for me. So I do the nice guy thing like always and tell her I can wait. Reality hit this morning that what the hell is giong on Ive had this happen before and its always turned out the same. I need help bad with this.

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Well, you can't push her into it. :o All I can say is to give her time, no matter what other lovers have done to you in the past. For that's not merely her fault.


She'll respect you more if you allow her to develop all her own, I promise.

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She's trying to let you off easy. Saying "I'm not sure what I feel" is a lot easier for people to say than "I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way about you". She's trying to be kind, but somtimes its cruel to be kind in that way.

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Originally posted by Omnianimaphobia

Alright someone tell me what Im doing wrong in this picture!!! This girl that I have liked since the beginning of time and I have started talking and been talking about a month now. We are really close and I havent asked anything of her. The other night was the first kiss and it felt good to have waited that long. But then the next night hit and she says she doesnt know what she feels for me. So I do the nice guy thing like always and tell her I can wait. Reality hit this morning that what the hell is giong on Ive had this happen before and its always turned out the same. I need help bad with this.


Sorry to hand this to you, but this sounds like a case of a girly behaviour i like to call, the what-her-friends-thought response. Basically, between your kiss and the following day, she had a chat with her girl friends about you and what she should do. Within this conversation, sometime was said (perhaps by her, but most likely by her friends) which led her to have doubts about how 'perfect' you would be for each other. Unfortunate, it would seem. The best way of minimising the effect of this consequentiality is to get her friends on your side. I.e., make sure not only the girl think's you're cool (as a bf), but her girlfriends do too.

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Yeah, it bites, but give it some time - now the ball's in her court


Do let us know what happens, dude. It doesn't seem like it's going to work out but I hope I'm wrong... best of luck.

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Well as for now she is still confused on what she wants as she says but I have more important things going on to focus on it sadly but she does admit i am growing on her so there is hope. As for right now i am currently doing research to help a friend with a eating disorder that is way out of control.

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