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help me get over this girl

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I new this girl all my life, but it was only junior year of high school i started talking to her. I'm now a freshman in college. I first started to like this girl when about senior year of high school. But i guess i got the relationship with her as just friends. I always like but knew she could never like me how i liked her. Once i found a new girl mid senior i thought i could get over her, but i couldn;t stop thinking about the orignal girl. Any time i hung out with anyone i would just wonder what she was doing.


it seemed she changed so much and was mature, every conversation i had with her i started to like her more and more. She was so hard to read.


So recently we hooked up, but she told me not to tell anyone, but my feelings for her only grew. I needed to tell someone so i told her friend only for advice. HEr friend advised me to tell her how i felt. After a while i decided it would be best to her. IT turned out to be the worse idea. She only wants to be friends nothing more, but the worst part is she played it off like she wasn;t surprised, didn;t phrase her at all. She told me not to act weird around her, like this happens to her often. This was the first time i ever told anyone how i felt like that.



I understand you can;t always get what u want, and i also understand that i can never have her. how do i get over this girl? i still have feelings for her. Also her and all her friends i hangout with all the time.

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Originally posted by mjm


She told me not to act weird around her, like this happens to her often.



She sounds a bit immature to me. In my view she knew about your feelings already, girls have a good nose for these things and intuition. She was basically nice to you up until that moment you confessed your feelings. After that she started keeping a little bit of distance. That´s what girls do when they suddenly know for sure that they male friend is in love with them. Girls have troubles being involved in friendships where the relation between two people is not equivalent. They dont feel comfortable with that. And this was your case - you had stronger feelings for her than she had for you. And now you told her everything about your feelings and she wants to keep a little bit of distance to show you that she really has no other intentions with you rather than being a friend with you.


My suggestion is - you will get over her. You just need time. You will find a different girl you will get attached to.


By the way you wrote you knew this girl all your life. It means that during this period of knowing this girls you didnt have any other girlfriends or you "saved" yourself for her?

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