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Do you think shes cheating

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Me and my girl have been together a while. She recently got this new job. Ever since she got this job which was like 2 weeks ago we have hung out once. I thought it was because i was busy with work and school too. But i'm not working at all this week and i still haven't seen her. Every time i text her shes at her grandmas house or at her sisters house. Which doesn't really make sense because she usually chooses to hangout with me instead of her family. It sounds messed up but its her choice i don't try to influence her.



And even when she does choose her family its not like her to do it everyday for a week and through the weekend too. When we are apart for this long she is usually texting me non stop and always trying to hangout.


Also the one time i did hangout with her she was crying. She said she was crying because she hates her new job so much. And she has been complaining about how much she hates it a lot but idk. We had sex after that and it felt like it took her longer to finish. Like she wasn't as into it. Which is also weird because we usually have sex daily and when we skip a day she'll be even more into it and start like going crazy. We skipped a few days but she still wasn't super into it. I didn't even really get a chance to talk to her because i was really tired from work and i passed out while she was in the bathroom and she just left.


Do you think she has a new boyfriend or something? She always says how much she loves me. She claims she wants to marry me and stuff. And we have broken up/been through rough patches and she is always there for me. Shes a good girl over all. But idk maybe she just wants something new but is scared to leave me behind? What do you think?

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It could be the new job is driving her crazy. If you're doing something you hate 40hrs per week, that's going to affect your personal life.


If everything else was going well for her and then you'd be feeling her going distant, that would be more of an indication of a problem in the relationship.


Be there for her, and when it feels right check in that its just whats going on at work and nothing between the two of you.

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IDK if she is seeing someone else, but based on your post, there's no evidence of that.


BUT, man, you were clearly not up to the challenge of being a supportive, understanding bf. She is really upset about her new job, stressed, distraught and the best you could do is have sex, FALL asleep???? She needed and wanted someone to listen to her, comfort her, be supportive and that was not it.


Her lack of interest in sex may have a lot to do with her terrible job. Understandable.


She may now be going elsewhere for someone to talk to when it should be with you. She may not see you as being supportive enough and may also be thinking that if she did come to you that you'd be more interested in sex than listening to her problems.

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THAT was your answer to her being upset and crying about her job - wanting sex?




No wonder she's been avoiding you.


Rude much? She was crying and i was trying to cheer her up by cuddling her. She initiated the sex when she was feeling better. But really thank you for your input.

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Hard to say if there's someone else. Didn't get that too much from your post. I wouldn't rule it out either. But, one thing I DID get from your post is that she's definitely disengaging herself from the relationship.


So, try a little harder. text her random things throughout the day, The "I love you" texts or "Just thinking about you". You can even send her a dozen roses to her work. Girls usually love that. Makes you look THE MAN to her other co-workers! They'll be telling her " I wish my boyfriend/husband sent me flowers!" Make plans to take her out on a romantic date! Surprise her with it!


Then again, if she seems put off that you sent her roses at her work...well, that's telling too. You could have caused waves with her and her love interest if he exists.

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When I get stressed out I don't think right, I can't eat, or sleep. I forget about people close to me and dwell on my issues. It could be that she is stressed out or she wants space. Unless you caught her with emails, text, or calls, its pointless to jump to the conclusion that she is cheating.

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Rude much? She was crying and i was trying to cheer her up by cuddling her. She initiated the sex when she was feeling better. But really thank you for your input.


It's revealing OP about your overall thought process and actions, that your girlfriend reacted the way she has and you think the problem is she might be cheating. But your answer above is the most revealing.


Support your lady and be there for her. A relationship just isn't about sex, woman also crave the emotional bond.


You may find the way you treat her when she going through a tough period may reveal more to her about the man you really are and how this relationship either gets stronger in the future or starts to break down.

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