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What do you guys think when the guy says HE will text nearer the time?


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So my FWB thing has started it was good at the start he was text me everyday and most of the day even after we first slept together the thing i'm worried about this week his texts are getting less he said hes busy this week which he is and im not stressing about that, the part is the texts even when he was busy he always has time to text like 7am right through till night I enjoyed seeing a text from him in the morning it made me smile, just seems odd that my FWB isnt text much anymore weve arrenged another "hook up" but he said HE will text nearer the time, is he going off the idea I just want to text even to ask how his week has been but dont want to annoy him or it will make him run but also want to know if hes playing a game with me by that last text or am I being paranoid and just let him breath?

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Time to ask yourself if you are even capable of a FWB.



This man has no obligation to text you at all.

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Is this a fvk buddy or a true FWB relationship?


If it's the former... then all you are to him is sex. And that's all that he should be to you. He has no obligation to have any type of contact with you outside of your sex sessions.


On the other hand, if you were friends with this guy prior to the benefits, then I'd expect you may have more contact with him and spend time together outside of that.


Either way, sounds to me like you're already overly invested if you're obsessing over the amount/type of contact. What exactly did you think would happen when you put out? That he would treat you like a girlfriend?


If you're not happy with the treatment, end it... but by the terms of the relationship you established, he's doing nothing wrong.

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Before it happend we were friends and texts non stop but after sleeping with him they have become less i'm so confused hes been text all week just not like his normal text there shorter he hasnt regreted it and says to me its just sex which i'm fine with just worried the texts are shorter and our friendship like hes backing down I want the friendship like normal before we slept together and to keep it even when we carry on.

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