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Should I work this out with him or is it a lost cause?

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I have been dating my bf for about 5 months now. I really do care about him and I want to see where this goes but I screwed up. The first 4 months I lived a lie.


In my past I was in a very bad relationship. My ex used to pimp me. Anyways I got out of that life style for 3 years. I am in school now and looking for a job. I came into a few financial problems and I went back to a place that didnt offer intercourse but provides acts. I did this before I met him.


When I first met my bf I really didnt think it would go anywhere, that we would just date. But then I started to develop feelings for him as he did with me. So I told him the truth. It was the hardest conversation I've ever had to have. At first he said he cant handle it and he was going to break up with me. But I knew he cared because he didnt just drop me off at home he parked a few houses up from mine so I knew he wanted to talk. We talked for a while and I convinced him to give me a chance. He agreed.


The next day I quit. Changed my phone number so noone from my past could call. Gave him my email and phone password so he can see that im not contacting anyone. I really want this to work but all I can do is start from that day on and show him that my life isnt a lie anymore. But I know he's having a hard time getting over the fact that I did what I did and that my life was a lie.


I guess what I want out of this post is maybe some advice on how I can help him get over what has happened or if I should just move on.

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i think you have done way more than enough to help him. you quit, and you gave him passwords so he can check up on you. if he cannot get past it after that, well then moove on.

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I agree with that--you've allowed him to have access to your privacy. He should make the effort to trust you, or you should end the relationship.


This is the time to focus on improving your life. Stay in school and find a job that's compatible with your college schedule. Enjoy not having to answer to anyone else. Be proud that you are taking care of yourself.

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